Sunday, March 26, 2006

The Rest of the McKenzie Scott Saga (Updated 3/31/2013)

Update 6: See latest legal actions.

It's been a while since I posted - things have been busy... The incident I describe below happened about a month ago...

So after playing a little email tag, Brian and I finally hooked up again on the phone to talk about the next steps. Again, I have to say how impressed I've been with their sales job - Brian came across as available and helpful, but not over eager or pushy (yet).

We talked more about how to market my skills (or should I say skilz?) and the timelines involved. Brian layed out a very aggressive and ambitious approach about how we could proceed. At the end of the call, he agreed to point me a copy of their work agreement that outlined the financial details of how work would proceed (HERE'S THE LINK AT THE TIME [ed: this link is broken, if someone sends me a new link i'll update it. in the meantime, this post has a scanned copy of the agreement]) Up to this point, there still had been no discussion as to price...

As I read through this agreement I was struck by three things. The first was something I expected - the entry price was 8K and stretched up to 25K. Realistically you would have to spend at least 12K. That's a lot of money to pay up-front, but if the stuff really works, it's obviously worth it. Of course they have all these statements about "guarantees" but if you read the details of the guarantees, they don't really provide that much protection for the client (see below).

The second thing that struck me was in a section innocuously titled: How Long We Will Serve You...and the Completeness of This Agreement It said: "This agreement, along with our service guide, set forth our entire agreement. It supersedes any prior written or verbal understandings with any party, including any verbal understandings with any employee or agent of the firm or with third parties." WTF, did I read that correctly? It basically says that regardless of what Brian has told me, this agreement and the service guide are all I can rely upon in terms of expectations of service and outcomes. In other words, Brian can promise me whatever, but McKenzie Scott doesn't have to do what he says they'll do. (Not being a lawyer, I have no idea if this is a legal way to get out of fraud, but it seems pretty sleazy & questionable to me... And of course that this language is buried in a section that talks about how long McKenzie will keep working on my behalf makes it seem like a bait-and-switch even more.

The third piece is in a section titled: Mutual Confidentiality Regarding
This AgreementÂ… and Your Search. It has this preamble: "A certain percentage of the firm as clients are senior executives who are sometimes concerned that we not divulge anything about this agreement or our work for them, that would lead to commentary in the print, broadcast or internet media." It then goes onto say: "For this reason, the firm and all clients mutually agree that this agreement shall be kept confidential, and comments of any kind regarding it, our services and our clients, shall not be initiated or released to the print, broadcast or internet media, either anonymously, through a third party, or on a direct basis." And then as a kicker, they describe the penalty for violating this restriction: "In the rare event
that a breach should lead to public commentary, both parties agree that because of the difficulty of assessing damages… that a penalty will be due which is equal to the base executive service charge in this agreement, as stated on page 6." That's 8.5K.

This also has the effect preventing people from posting complaints about the service provided. Nice. The part of this that seems so duplicitious (ingeniously so) is that they state this as though it's to help protect their famous client rather than to cover their asses. To belabor the point (although it's probably obvious to anyone with even an ounce of skepticism) if they wanted to protect their clients names and reputation, they could do it in a much more narrow way then this restriction.

Sooooooo.... having read through the agreement, i was ready to Brian's call the next day. I suppose I could have pointed out all the issues above to him, But i didn't really see the point. What i said was basically that
1. they seemed like a company that really understood the market and had the capability to help out a lot in a job search but,
2. a deal like this that was structured with all the payments up front creates too much inventive for a good sales job and not enough for follow through. (And this really is my fundamental objection whIch i repeated consistently through the rest of the call...)

Well, Brian was pretty prepared for this objection. He quickly responded that even though the payment was up-front, the "money back guarantee" meant that the money would be given back if they didn't deliver. To that i pointed him to the service agreement which outlines the various gaurantees. The money back gaurantee is only valid at a very early point in the process after they have created a bunch of marketing material for you (but before you've had a chance to use it to search for jobs or McKenzie Scott find openings for you.) The point I made was that I'm already admitting that i don't know what the best marketing material/resumes look like - that's why I'm interested in hiring someone. And without being able to test the market with them, I really couldn't make an informed decision.

The other guarantees really only say that if you are unsatisfied with your "campaign," they'll assign a new team and redo it. And while on paper this seems like something they'd want to avoid and hence provide some disincentive, it's not nearly the same as cold hard cash. Or to paraphrase Dennis Miller about the K-mart blue-light special - "Two of shit is shit. If they really want to fuck you they'll give you three of them." Or a joke my dad used to tell about a lottery where the first prize was a week of vacation in Philadelphia. Second prize - two weeks vacation in Philadelphia. (I didn't reference these jokes to Brian - i didn't think he'd laugh...)

This seemed to knock Brian a little off his game. He continued to repeat the mantra that the need to redo a campaign was a disincentive enough. When this didn't seem to make any headway, he switched to giving me a some inside information. Apparently, he told McKenzie Scott has been working on a new agreement that would provide exactly the kind of arrangement where they were paid only when the candidate was placed. But, he lamented, it's being held up by the legal department and he didn't know when it would be available.

The call lasted about 45 minutes. I told Brian that when they got the new agreement that provided a different payment structure, to please call me back as i'd be very interested. He told me he would.

That evening I recieved an email from Brian with a bunch of testimonials about what job's they found and how much McKenzie Scott helped them. Of course, the company names were ommitted as well as the last names of the people. All completely unverifiable.

That was the last i ever heard from Brian.

Draw you own conclusions - obviously you know what i think.

Update: see new posting
Update 2: see new posting with copy of the agreement you sign
Update 3: Guess ITS et al got tired of people finding out about them. So what to do? Send in the lawyers. Here's their salvo and my response.

Update 4: If you've been a customer of ITS/McKenzie Scott, see this post.
Update 5: See breaking news...
UPDATE 6 (3/31/2013):See latest legal actions.


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Kevin Galligan said...

Just posted, but I think it failed. Sorry if there's a double post...

Glad I found this. There is literally nothing out there about the company other than press releases and other garbage. There is something on, but then I found other sites claiming that THAT site is a scam too, so who knows.

I had a preliminary call today with a guy from 'ITS'. Try searching for 'ITS' on google. Ha ha. The letters i-t-s match a whole lot of things in the language. I'd put serious money on the fact that the acronym was chosen deliberately because its impossible to find info on it with a web search. For the life of me I can't find what it stands for.

The web address is...

Its the same company as McKenzie Scott. However, if you go to the, ITS is there an has no complaints. Sounds good! Search for McKenzie Scott. 40 complaints. Not so hot.

Not the same company? Check this out...

The money up front is huge, and, obviously, they don't mention that on the site. To be honest, if they had a deal with at least partial after placement, I'd be more interested. Better yet, a percentage of the offer you get. Then they have a direct incentive to get to work. Of course, that's how a recruiter gets paid.

Sounds like a decent sort of business idea. Like a job hunting mentor. However, right now I have serious concerns about the whole thing.

Anonymous said...

A second heart-felt thanks. I entered the job market recently and was approached by "ITS" after posting to They are tenacious--2 emails & 2 vmails. My first impression of the vmail was a guy at a phone bank going down the list. Sounds like my instincts were spot on. They finally got a hold of me and they do give one hell of a soft sell -- I was ready to sign. But no, "watch the 30-minute movie first." I have my followup call scheduled soon. I was expecting a large price tag but nothing would have prepared me for upwards of $12K -- wow.

Anonymous said...

I had the same shakedown. I got a note saying that I was being considered for an amazing gig at the largest company in my industry; which is like a trip to the big show. The email said I would get a call from a recruiter. Then I had a very smooth talker call me and got me talking about myself all pumped up. He kept trying to get me to say I need help with a job search, at every turn I told him I just threw a posting on monster as a flier for contract work ... but if this gig is real I am game. He totally backed down and said it wasn't really his reason for calling. I told him I actually do pretty well as a contractor, but if that kind of gig is out there, I'm game. So finally asking for the four hundredth time WHY he's calling; he starts tell me what he'll do for me and my resume, etc. I finally asked who paid for all this, because recruiter often do, he tells me "the searcher," I politely wrapped it up. Basically, why would do anything but be polite (well, except that he wasted my time and lied to me, but it sounded credible enough not be a jerk to him). I got a fedex and three more emails, one with a really hoaky online video link. These people are evil personified praying on people who need to hustle hard and fast to feed a family. He easily burned a billable hour of mine at a critical juncture. It sounded so good; the killer corporate gig ... but in the end a scam AND AN ILLEGAL ONE!!

Anonymous said...

See also

Anonymous said...

Just in time. This information sealed my thinking that this may not be on the up and up. Thanks to all of you. I just finished the whole sell after receiving my FEDEX package. I tried to Google ITS; no go. I finally got onto this site while still talking to my "agent". My next call from him will be fun.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone had a positive experience with ITS or or ?

Anonymous said...

Wow! I was feeling a bit skeptical about the soft sell I received also from an ITS managing director. Like everyone else, I Googled ITS and nothing. Continued searching & realized they were the former McKenzie Scott. I too, recieved the online presentation, the FedEx package and the first 30 min sell on how marketable I am. When I was asked if I had any questions I said yes, "one...How much does it cost?" I must have asked a half dozen times & never got an answered. I have to admit, they are good at selling you on how great you are. I am so glad I came across this blog. Now, when I have my follow up telecon tomorrow I will be very comfortable with saying, No Thanks.

Anonymous said...

They are a virtual scam company.

Send 10,000 faxes. Maybe. No proof, no lists provided. Send to people outside of your list of targets just so they can say they do it.

Agree with the "you write it ourself" comments.

Operate as many companies so they can they can switch to another when teh heat is on one.

Anonymous said...

I was at the point of signing but decided to do some more due diligence - I'm glad I found this site. My concerns have been validated by your comments. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I got taken by this scam for $19K. I read of another that got taken in 2001 for $29K. Can anyone spell class action law suit??? I am about to organize it with my kick-ass attorney when he's back from 4th of July vacation next week. Stay tuned!

Anonymous said...

Many thanks! Your blog was one of the resources I found in searching out the truth behind these folks at ITS/McKenzieScott/America's Job Network/and whatever furture iderations they come up with in the future.

To those who are here doing research on ITS - BE CAREFUL!! There's NO Free Lunch and ITS promises a Free Lunch, of course for the nomimal fee of $12k-$14k or so.

My last suggestion is for the next "me" that uses this site and the others links dedicated to exposing these guys - DO YOUR PART!!! Come back and add your comments and your experience.

There's some poor guy out there RIGHT NOW with a family that can't afford to plop down $12k-$14k and is going to do it anyway simply because he wants to believe what ITS is telling him. Help stop it!

If I could make a living haunting these sorry SOB's at ITS - I'd do it in a heart-beat!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad I googled ITS, careertransitions, I completed my web questionnaire and will be receiving my "fedex" packet tomorrow. I cannot believe I fell for this. I will cancel my phone call with "Pat" Brian Brennan for tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I did join the service , and even tho i have some issue ,I like to say this much about them , they are very helpfull and I Did, learn a few things from them.

they got a great support section

I was changing career , I do believe they charge to much for what they do.

Ive been in a campaign for a month with no luck.

they claim they have access to job that are not on the market
but i havnt seen them.

In a nut shell what they do is rewrite your resume, and fax it out to can research companies

but all the leg work is on you.

what upset me most was i was lead to believe that i can access jobs all in one site , not true its a site that has all the jobboards links. so you sign ON then sign on again.

i would pay about $1500.00 for they services but no more.
if they actuly seach for job opening for you then i think it would be worth it.

Anonymous said...

I too can sadly say that I taken by the crooks at McKenzie Scott. Now that I am over the embarrassment of being taken for $7500, I need to let those doing due diligence on ITS, McKenzie Scott, & USA Job Market that there is yet another entity appearing from these scam artists.

It is called Delaney, Byczinski and Potamkin. It is also referred to as DBP Executive Search. This is the same scam as the others under a new name to avoid BBB complaints and negative PR on the Web.

There is a specific telltale to this new entity that I am not going to post now so that there may be a footprint later when they decide to change names again.

I'll post more later but I thought important to get this out since it looks like a new thing appearing on CareerBuilder and Monster. BTW, I reported them to CareerBuilder as a fraudulent site.

A previous post mentioned a class action suit. Where do I sign up?

Anonymous said...

Keep Posting to this blog. The activity is moving it up in Google, Ask, and Yahoo.

These warnings are now right behind the USAJOBMARKET website.
Maybe that is why the recent name change to Delaney, Byczinski and Potamkin. AKA: DBP Executive Search

Also post to Indeed 05390c183c137e1b70784b07/05390c183c137e1d7770450d#c76879

If the link doesn't work search the forum at for ITS or USAJOBMARKET

Help save fellow job seekers from these blood suckers.

Anonymous said...

If anyone is in the middle of a discussion with the people at DBP Executive Search, be sure to pressure them to reveal the so-called executive jobs they have available. I recall when the McKenzie Scott entity engaged me they started with a promise of having a boatload of executive jobs they were recruiting for only for them to disappear somewhere in the process never to be discussed again.

The truth is that they do not have any access to executive jobs other than the job boards like everyone else and their initial ads are just bait to get honest job seekers engaged in their scheme.

I agree with the previous post. Keep posting to keep this blog to keep it coming up in the search engines. This Delaney, Byczinski and Potamkin scam is new and will undoubtedly sucker many.

Also, for those who are still undecided and in the middle of due diligence with these people, consider the opportunity costs of delaying your job search by getting involved with people who really have no stake in your success. Once you accept your creative materials (a one page resume and generic marketing plan) your so-called guarantee is gone and you are stuck dealing with people who could really care less.

My advice is to Go to and find a proven professional resume writer for about $700 and signup for a one-year membership. I don't work for these guys. I just discovered them after my expereince with Mckenzie Scott. $700 for a very good resume is allot cheaper than $7500-$10000. Between the resume and the membership you'll be under $1000 and be a leg up over most job seekers.

If that doesn't appeal to you, just find a professional/proven resume writer and pay them what they're worth. No one should pay more than $1K for a resume.

Anonymous said...

I thought it might be a good idea to start a roster of the cast of characters involved at McKenzie Scott. I will make no characterizations of these folks other than that they worked for McKenzie Scott.

As for McKenzie Scott the company/firm, I believe this blog has established a well defined pattern of questionable practices. Individuals conducting due diligence should strongly consider this affilition past or present when discussing with the people below.

Marcia Bench
Carrie Straub
Paul Bokelmann
James Quinn
Alisa Garcia
Sue Sramek
Norris Perkins
Carol Ruckel
Gordon Rubestein
Claire Richtman
Melissa Kendrick
Paul Stewart
Fred Boyer
Lynette Daniels
Paul Worthman
Steve Wilder
Tom Harford

and of course, the new DBP Executive search has Mr. Charles Williams

I'd encourage anyone who knows of others to please post. When honest job seekers get contacted by these people they should have a chance to get all the info the can before they step into the spider's web.

Anon said...

Too late for me. I signed up with ITS earlier this year. Despite the $12,000 outlay, not one positive call back or interview.

I did receive more than a few irate communications regarding "junk faxes" and the insulting tone of my professionally prepared letters and resumes.

I am at the point now where they will not return my calls or e-mails.

Count me in on any lawsuit. As I recall, fraud in the inducement to enter into a contract is a basis to set it aside and might be a basis to go to court instead of arbitration.

Anonymous said...

Yet another tentacle of the CAN Inc. / McKenzie Scott / ITS / DPB Executive Search.

Promises access to executive jobs but it is really just getting you to register so you can be contacted by the ITS Sales Goons.

The name is Mangement Recruiting. Here's the email I received:

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2007 7:45 PM
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: xxxxx, we liked your resume. Are you still in the market?


Are you still in the market for either a professional or executive job?
Your resume indicates that we may have openings at Executive Search Online that are appropriate to consider. However, if you are interested, we need some added information.

Executive Search Online enjoys a growing reputation in executive circles as the fastest growing ecruiting service. Our clients include a mixture of small and large firms, growth companies, and Fortune 1,000 corporations. We deal only in professional and executive openings.

To register with us, as well as to review current situations at your income level and in your geographic area, please do the following:

Click on

The "register now" button will take you to the profile information that we need.


Bryce Decker
Senior Vice President

Anonymous said...

I was almost convinced by the sales pitch and ready to send my payment, especially since my ITS contact was ready to bring the price down 1k if I signed today. Fortunately, I found this site and that made up my mind: I will keep my money and double my efforts in other fronts.
Hopefully, many more get to this blog and save themselves from loosing their hard earned money.

Anonymous said...

Got this today, dude has left a few messages for me and I hadn't bothered to call back, figuring it was a scam. When I got the email, I noticed that the website, email address, and company name were all completely different. I then googled usajobmarket and found this site.

Hello Heather:

I've left a couple of voice mails over the last week and thought I'd reach out one last time.

We received the profile you submitted to one of our websites, along with your request for some complimentary services.

You can reach me at the number below or respond via return email with a convenient time/date for us to have a brief teleconference.

If I don't hear from you within the next few days, I will archive your file and wish you luck in your search - hope to hear from you.


David Farr, Senior Consultant
ITS Family of Companies

phone: (866) 328-2685 x3903

Anonymous said...

I owe you all a debt of gratitude. I was nearly taken for $6K with ITS, when I found this blog. Thank you, thank you, thank you for educating the public.
Can't wait to call Joe Ramirez of ITS to give his chain a yank!

Anonymous said...

For those of you who fell for this, don't be embarrassed...these guys are very good at selling (any preying on people when they are at their most vulnerable stages). I admit that I was about to dive in myself, but just happened to stumble across these consumer blogs, as was, shall we say, horrified. So upon viewing literally DOZENS of negative experiences I bailed out and sent my "rep" a polite, but to the point email to end our working alliance. Naturally, I got an email response and voice message on my phone claiming that he had no knowledge of these consumer forums and that there was negative feedback regarding the ITS company.
So I invited him to have a look. (As if he REALLY doesn't know -- yeah right!) But I was appreciative of all info that I have gained from these blogs...It saved me a good chunk of money!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks to everyone for their comments on their experiences with ITS. I was contacted today by Jack Swift at ITS. I began researching the company after noticing that his e-mail address domain ( and the website domain( and the company name (ITS) are all different. A sign of shady business practices to say the least. Anyway, I will politely turn down their services and get back to Careerbuilder and Monster.

Anonymous said...










Anonymous said...

I just got off the phone with an ITS rep. I have been in sales for 20+ years, so I like listening to a good pitch. Watch how they make it look as if ITS is very selective on who they will work with. Anyone ever been turned down for their service?? My first concern was all the different name changes (ITS, USajobmarket) and then when it was so hard to Google them, I knew the jig was up. THANK YOU to all who have posted here.

Also, another thing I am on the phone about 3 hours a day and usually have a good ear for aging people with a voice, this guy said he was retired from Glaxo and led me to believe he was an old guy just liked to help people. He really sounded like a kid to me. Anyone have similar experience?

Anonymous said...

It has been an interesting read this evening. My wife, recently unemployed and job searching in a worried fashion, received the ITS "proposal" - $7500 and with a few select options, far north of there. She has been in discussion with ITS for the last few days since she registered with an on-line executive search site. I, the perennial pessimist, was doubting every word of their schtick but it was making my wife feel much better. She seemed to think that this might be on the up & up until the "proposal" came. The justification for such a lofty price tag is that you will find employment several months sooner.

So - the contact name is John Emerson in Denver. He said he used to be a plastic surgeon but the insurance costs of malpractice were too high. Interestingly enough, if you google plastic surgeons with his name in Denver - you get an interesting news report about botched surgeries. I will let the reader decide if it is him or not.

One suggestion - squeeze them for all the free info you can get (we got free reviews of our resumes with some decent advice as well as some cover letter info).

Thank you all for the blogs - I hate writing cheques from my home eq. account.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to everyone for their comments on their experiences with ITS. I met today with ITS. I began researching the company prior to making the financial commitment.
I appreciate your input and saving me the time and agony of dealing with them. I will politely turn down their services and get back to more conservative job search methods.

Anonymous said...

I have just googled DBP and found your blog. I have been contacted numerous times by Charls Williams. Same tactic. One lesson though I learn from working : if an experienced professional does not have a single personal page and if there is no one who's talking about him ... he just does not exist! He is a scam.
I remember being contacted by a recruiting search firm out of Walnut Creek, CA - forgot the name that was 6 years ago - nice offices, seemed like a serious company, very professional, opened to giving me a few "general marketing pieces of advice" that anyone who reads any basic marketing book can give you. And then came the discussion about fees. RED FLAG!!! Always. A good recruiting firm does not ask you 5~10K up front.
Thanks for creating that blog. And good luck to all job seekers.

Anonymous said...

I smelled a rat when trying to Google the company name. Too many name changes but I did manage to find some history. The BBB had many complaints 20 - 30 of them, different company names and different employee names. We too got a FedEx pkg. with very believable info. Were not buying. Can't wait to tell them! Thanks for your messages.

Anonymous said...

Thanks All for your posts. I too was doing research on ITS these folks had contacted me and I went through their marekting profile and their little video tour. But I was not going to commit to anything until I had more info. You are right I tried,yahoo and google and could find nothing about the company. I am glad you have this blog and I am also sorry for those of you who had to pay for the lesson you are sharing with us. God bless and remember what comes around goes around. They will get theirs.

Anonymous said...

WOW, I was within just a day or so of signing up! I'm not sure what is more dissapointing, the thought of losing the money or the tremendous let down of this being a scam. I really felt good about this and now am pretty low. I have been on the ladders but really have no idea how to make it work for me.

Anonymous said...

I would love to join a law suit. I paid out almost 8k and got the same result. I now have a web site telling my story warning potential customers about these guys. Please post this and help spread the word. The site is

Anonymous said...

I just got a call today from this company but they were interested in interviewing as a marketing director for them. The lady I talked to directed to me to to find out more about the company and if I was interested to give her a call to set up an interview. So I checked out the website, which was really vague. When I Googled ITS, I couldn't find anything. Luckily I found this site when I Googled Thank goodness I did. You all prevented me from making a mistake!

Anonymous said...

Does the following sound familiar?
These guys are great at Sales and Marketing. A great big THANK YOU for this blog--I might have been sucked into the scam as well. To those that already were-->I suggest sending an email to the producer of 60 Minutes; they will eat these guys alive.

Hello John:

I enjoyed our conversation today and look forward to chatting with ou again, soon.

I have authorized your email address, xxxx to be your private access code for entering our market tour. The "Tour" will introduce you to today's job market and how our technology can often enable you to find 85% of your openings and leads rather than 3-5%.

Click the link below to get to our 'Complimentary Service' page and from there proceed to the tour.

If you click the link and don't see your name displayed on the page be sure to copy the text of the link in it's entirety and paste it into your browser.

After viewing the market tour you'll be able to more accurately complete part 8 of the marketability profile (found at the same location as the market tour) entitled 'Review of issues & personal aspirations'. This will give me your personal input on issues that are important to you.

IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that you view the tour AND complete the marketability profile. Only then can I assemble everything needed to provide you with your personal marketing plan, which I will email to you prior to our next discussion. I will also overnight to you some literature.

Have a good evening.


Tom Kelsay, Managing Director
ITS Family of Companies

phone: (303) 683-8171

Anonymous said...

I received a VM today from John Copeland from "the ITS family of companies". I did what everybody does these days, google it. Nothing. Then I noticed the number he left for contact was different from the number the call originated from as well as the name on my caller id (Ameri Job Network). Then I googled by phone number and Bingo! there are a lot of complaints about this so call company and the numbers listed. I'm so glad I like to play detective before returning a phone call...anyway. FYI, a reputable recruiter agency will NEVER ask for any fees as they will collect the fee that was previously negotiated with the employer looking for the candidate (usually 20-30% of salary). I know this from a former coworker who now owns a recruiting company (legitimate I may add!). The is really good. So far the best. So the next time a recruiter calls, go to and check them out.

Anonymous said...

Took a day of vacation and drove 3 hours to meet with my ITS director. Had a 30 minute meeting with 4 other guys and a 10 minute private meeting. All sounds good but no money was discussed. They have been calling and asking me to go to a web site for a 30 minute tour. I finaaly tried tonight, last night before my clearance expired. Thank God I have dial up service, it would load. So I googled them. Found this board and feel lucky I only waste 1 day of vacation time and $60 in gas.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Thanks to everyone who posted your comments regarding experiences with ITS, McKenzie Scott, etc..

As you say, these guys are very smooth and sound professional. I was very interested based on the broad appeal of making the job search easier and more complete. Thankfully I decided to do my research.

One more snake to add to the list:
Ian Forrester

I agree with the 60 minutes comment. Somebody needs to shake these guys down who prey on folks who are in a time of need.

Anonymous said...

Just got out of the military and the civilian world is new to me. I’ve been born and raised in the military so even my family can’t give me any advice since they are either retired military or still active duty. I was also contacted by ITS and they do have a great sales pitch. But, like most of you, I decided to do some research about the company before any money was discussed. Now that I know what they will be asking for and that there are plenty of unsatisfied clients out there, I will definitely cut my contacts with them tomorrow, my next scheduled phone call.

Job hunting is difficult enough for a military veteran who is leaving their comforts and to have someone try to take advantage of you, makes you upset. I only hope that others will find this site so that no one else will lose their money. Thank you for your posts!

Anonymous said...

Two more con artists to add to the list of vultures:

Bryce Decker,

Lydia McArthur,

Anonymous said...

add me to the list of grateful to have run across this blog. had an appt. to speak with "Mary" tomorrow but saved myself some time (and apparently money)... here's her email with contact information etc.

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2007 12:35 PM
Subject: Confirming our next conversation

Hello ****:

This will confirm our next conversation on Thur, 11/1, at 1:30pm Central Time. I look forward to speaking with you.

Don't hesitate to call or contact me by email if you have any questions.


Mary Cowart, Senior Consultant
ITS Family of Companies

phone: (972) 281-5879 x121 cell: (972) 248-4429

Anonymous said...

So close, and almost did it. Trusted them until I read all the postings. Thank you for saving my marriage, my wife would have killed me.

Anonymous said...

I just had my phone conversation with a very smooth and slick Ron Norton about an hour ago and then I can across this board. Thank you everybody for you invaluable advise and caution.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for everyone's comments on this site. Very accurate; the company is shameful and should be exposed.

"Bob West" tried to solicit me with a similarly slick soft sell sales pitch. I smelled something fishy as soon as I tried to google the careful crafted company name.

How can we cause "ITS Family of Companies" to show up in google searches more easily to save other unsuspecting targets/victims?

I only found it by searching for

Below is the email that was sent to me:

I am resending the links for your benefit,please let me know when you've finished the tour,we need to set a meeting--thans.

As a reminder, I have authorized your email address,, to be your private access code for entering our market tour. The "Tour" will introduce you to today's job market and how our technology can often enable you to find 85% of your openings and leads rather than 3-5%. In addition, having you informed on what works today will make your marketing plan review more productive.

Click the link below to get to our 'Complimentary Service' page and from there proceed to the tour.

If you click the link and don't see your name displayed on the page be sure to copy the text of the link in it's entirety and paste it into your browser.

After viewing the market tour, you'll be able to more accurately complete part 8 of the marketability profile (found at the same location as the market tour) entitled 'Review of issues & personal aspirations'. This will give me your personal input on issues that are important to you.

IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that you view the tour AND complete the marketability profile. Only then can I assemble everything needed to provide you with your personal marketing plan, which I will email to you prior to our next discussion. I will also overnight to you some literature.

As discussed, please forward your resume to me by e-mail as a Word.doc attachment. Please call or contact me by email if you have any questions.

I look forward to our conversation.


Bob West, Managing Director
ITS Family of Companies

phone: (830) 596.7420 cell: (830) 385.5830

Anonymous said...

Like so many others, I received a call from ITS and agreed to proceed with the first few step - the initial half-hour telephone interview. That happened the first weekof November 2007. But the more I considered what this company proposed to provide free of charge, the more I realized that something was wrong. I am certainly gratefult o have foudn this web site that discusses this company. Although I can't imagine that I would have paid them $12k for blasting my resume out to a bunch of fax machines, art least I will not waste any more of my time with them.
Here is my latest email from ITS/Careertransitions/McKenzie Scott/et al:

Subject:Our next meeting

Hello :
I enjoyed our conversation today and look forward to reviewing with you your
complimentary personal marketing plan on .

As a reminder, I have authorized your email address to be your private access code for entering our market tour. The "Tour" will introduce you to today's job market and how our technology can often enable you to find 85% of your openings and leads rather than 3-5%. In addition, having you informed on what works today will make your marketing plan review more

Click the link below to get to our 'Complimentary Service' page and from there proceed to the tour.

If you click the link and don't see your name displayed on the page be sure to copy the text of the link in it's entirety and paste it into your browser.

After viewing the market tour, you'll be able to better complete our marketability profile (found at the same location as the market tour). This will
surface your transferable skills and give me your personal input on the search issues most important to you.

IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that you view the tour AND complete the marketability
profile. Only then can I assemble everything needed to provide you with your
personal marketing plan, which I will email to you prior to our next discussion.

I will also overnight to you some literature.

As discussed, please forward your resume to me by e-mail as a Word.doc
attachment. Please call or contact me by email if you have any questions.

I look forward to our conversation.


Michael Cravatt, Senior Consultant
ITS Family of Companies
phone: (866) 328-2685 x2801

Anonymous said...

I just got off the phone with "Isaac" an hour ago. I asked how much this would cost and, like others mentioned, he simply said the evaluation is free. He then said that if I like what I hear on Friday (the next phone appointment) then we will discuss the "investment". Like a politician he turned "cost" into "investment". Something did not feel right and I found this site. Thank you!!! My email letter is included below. By the way, I love the "Senior Consultant" title at the end of his email.

Hello xxxx:

I enjoyed our conversation today and look forward to reviewing with you your complimentary personal marketing plan on Friday 16th at 11:00 am EST.

As a reminder, I have authorized your email address,, to be your private access code for entering our market tour. The "Tour" will introduce you to today's job market and how our technology can often enable you to find 85% of your openings and leads rather than 3-5%. In addition, having you informed on what works today will make your marketing plan review more productive.

Click the link below to get to our 'Complimentary Service' page and from there proceed to the tour.

If you click the link and don't see your name displayed on the page be sure to copy the text of the link in it's entirety and paste it into your browser.

After viewing the market tour, you'll be able to better complete our marketability profile (found at the same location as the market tour). This will surface your transferable skills and give me your personal input on the search issues most important to you.

IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that you view the tour AND complete the marketability profile. Only then can I assemble everything needed to provide you with your personal marketing plan, which I will email to you prior to our next discussion. I will also overnight to you some literature.

As discussed, please forward your resume to me by e-mail as a Word.doc attachment. Please call or contact me by email if you have any questions.

I look forward to our conversation.


Isaac Khan, Senior Consultant
ITS Family of Companies

phone: (866) 328-2685 x3977

Anonymous said...

One more excellent salesman to add to the list. I am a experienced sales manager with over 15 years of experience in sales training and coaching and almost signed up for the service as well. Thank you all for your posts!

Patrick Sanders, Managing Director

This guy was very good!

Anonymous said...

Just like everyone says, "these guys are good". Lydia McArthur was my smooth talker, extremely convincing. Guess it's true that the easiest person to sell is a salesman, especially with flattery. I thought they were legit until I tried to find This is a really nasty way to take money from people who are out of work.
If the folks in Washington like torture so much, these would be good people to practice on.

Anonymous said...

My husband is a intelligent guy so when he told me about this company I was a little confused as to why they would want a laughable amount of money for their "marketing". I was told once in an acting class never to pay anyone to see you that your work should speak for itself. Thank God I found this blog after much searching. Every company has complaints so to see the 100s of press releases was a warning that this was to good to be true. Also what is this silliness with Did they put out bad press on themselves so they could say no ripofreport is a scam. I do say their marketing is brilliant as well as criminal. Add this name to your marionettes.
Jerome Silvernagel, Senior Consultant
ITS Family of Companies

Anonymous said...

I think you all might be jumping to conclusions. People aren't used to paying for this kind of help. If it was a law firm asking for thousands of dollars would you blink? Probably not if you needed a lawyer. If getting the best job possible is important to you, just like getting the best outcome in a court of law, then highering an expert makes sense. Are these guys experts? You would have to talk to their clients to find out... and not just the one's who "lost their court case" so to speak. Yes, their sales tactics do seem sneaky. If you think about it, though, they would have to be very convincing selling this kind of intangible. I can see how that might lead salesmen opperating on commission to get "creative". But as this post illustrates, people are going to be suspicious about such an unusual service. I suggest that you know what you want and what they are offering, to the letter. Look at their agreement. Ask yourself, are you a DIY type or a white-towel treatment type. If you don't want to mess around with your job search then maybe it's a good deal. If you have more time than money and you think you have the smarts to do it on your own, then maybe it isn't such a good deal. Maybe getting a job isn't as complicated as winning a lawsuit. Then again, maybe it is. I know I've had my share of troubles in that regard. In many ways what they are doing is uncharted territory. I say, cut them some slack. Don't just assume their all crooks. That said, know what you are getting into. Don't assume anything. As with a lawyer or an auto mechanic or any kind of expert, when you are dealing in an area in which you can't be expected to know all the in's and out's, a lot of trust is involved and there is plenty of room for scamming. You have to rely on the word of former customers, the BBB and the like. If they have thousands of clients a year (just a guess) and even 10% of them felt ripped off, don't you think you would see overwhelming evidence of that on the web? I'm not seeing that. I see some people who are suspicios of a smooth sales process. I see a couple people who lost their court case. I don't see hundreds of upset customers.

Anonymous said...

BINGO! I recieved a voicemil yesterday that sounded similar to calls I have recieved from legitimate recruiters, but my BS meter started to go off a little. Before I could return the call, I recieved the following email from :

Hello xxxxxx:

Unable to reach you by phone, I decided to follow-up with an email. After reviewing the profile you submitted through our website, I would like to discuss your background in greater detail. You can reach me at the number below or respond via return email with a convenient time/date for us to have a brief teleconference.


Jeffrey White, Senior Consultant
ITS Family of Companies

phone: (760) 331-9627

The google search showed links to pages no longer in existence, and a couple of ripoff reports. I had to dig a little before I found this site, and my suspicions were correct. This is yet another scam... here is a copy of the email response I sent:


Mr. White,

Sorry I missed your call. Before we proceed further, I have just a couple questions. Are you a recruiter representing a specific company or position, or are you offering services for hire like career search and resume writing assistance? Also, what company are you with? I am not familiar with the "ITS Family of Companies". Is that a part of or associated with McKenzie Scott?

Best regards,



There's a lot more scams out there than legitimate job offers, but with a little due diligence you can find the facts. Remember, recruiting is a big business, financially supported by employers... If someone wants cash from you, be wary... It's probably a rip-off. Best of luck!

- Annonymous dude

Anonymous said...

I sure wish I had found this blog 2 months ago! I am 8 weeks into the process with the thieves at ITS, and of course, I have no results for the $7500 I spent, aside from people pissed about the faxes that never stop. One guy emailed me that this was the 122nd fax he had received for an exec no longer with their company - gone five years ago! So I was not surprised when my "custom" database searches had very old data (2 of my previous employers were listed with contacts that had been gone for well over 5 years). On top of that, they have missed distribution dates and sent my info to employers in states that I specifically said I would not move to. So far the only feedback I have received on their "Professionally Written" documents has been negative: too vague and repetitive.

Ten days ago I told Judy McVeigh, my Marketing Lead, that I was dissatisfied and wanted my money back. She, of course, couldn't help, so escalated to her manager, Bob Feese. Bob called me last Monday, but he, of course, couldn't help me either, but assured me Paul Bokelmann would call me and address my concerns. After leaving Paul a message that was never returned, I found out he is "out of town for the next two weeks". At that point, I called my credit card and disputed the charge. I told them I had paid for a product that was not delivered as promised. Specifically, that 4 distribution dates were missed and the final one never delivered. The credit card companies are supposed to help customers if they don't get what they paid for. Someone please let me know if I'm off track here.

So yesterday I talked to Gordon Rubinstein, VP Client Services, the next guy up the ladder (supposedly). He was quick to point to the agreement I signed, and tried to dance around the distributions and poor quality of products and service. He was even quicker to get off the phone when I told him I had disputed the charge.

I will post again as the story unfolds. I am prepared to fight these fraudsters. Please let me know if anyone starts a class action - I am definitely in! Please keep posting and get this linked far and wide!!!!!


Unknown said...

Thanks for everyone taking the time to post helped not only save me $, but from even having to talk to these jokers. I too noticed the difference in the name of the company ITS and domain

Thanks again! Below is the scam email I received.

Hello XXXX:

Unable to reach you by phone, I decided to follow-up with an email.
After reviewing the profile you submitted through our website, I would
like to discuss your background in greater detail. You can reach me at the
number below or respond via return email with a convenient time/date
for us to have a brief teleconference.


Robert Williams, Senior Consultant
ITS Family of Companies

phone: (866) 328.2685 x3956

AZBlue said...

Thanks for the info as I also was about to fall into this trap even though I fell for it 3 years ago with a company in New Jersey.

I guess I got a bit suspicious when I had to jump through several hoops to get them to find time to call me back. They kept offering me a $1000 credit if I signed up by such and such, yada yada yada. I emailed the guy back and he said oh sorry you needed to get your paperwork in yesterday for the bonus but we can still move forward as soon as you Execute your contract.

I have since been in touch with a company called Marston Mills in Chicago that does the same service for about $1700 including resumes, letters, mailings and calling leads.

I also couldn't find anything on the company in Yahoo and tried Google and found these strings.

I think the one thing that saved me from making this mistake was the guy who contacted me was too lazy to pursue me more aggessively so I had time to figure it out...

Thanks again to all...

Anonymous said...

Hello All,
I just recieved the phone call and email. Figured I would google the firm since I didn't remember sending them a copy of my resume. Thanks to all of you for posting your messages. I will be sending kevin a note advising that I am not interested in his services.

Copy of email and another name to add to the list

Hello XXXxx:

Unable to reach you by phone, I decided to follow-up with an email. After reviewing the profile you submitted through our website, I would like to discuss your background in greater detail. You can reach me at the number below or respond via return email with a convenient time/date for us to have a brief teleconference.


Kevin Hardiek, Senior Consultant
ITS Family of Companies

phone: 1.800.320.1277 x2892

Anonymous said...

WOW!! So glad i found this site. Been selling for many years and am amazed how smooth they are. thank you to all for past comments. God Bless the internet...

Anonymous said...

These guys are very smooth and are adept at saying the right things to people who are looking for positive feedback on their employment potential. I appreciate everyone's comments that enabled me to avoid a $7500 mistake. What will it take to put these guys out of business???

Anonymous said...

Forgot to mention in my previous post dated 12/7 - my ITS "rep" went so far as to send me her picture to "put the name with the face" - nice looking blonde - wonder if she really looks like this....

Anonymous said...

I am so glad I found this site. It was purely by accident. I was contacted by an ITS rep and I completed the survey as requested. I was doing my due diligence when I found this site. The guys are smooth but careless. I was still talking to the rep when his e-mail thanking me for a productive call came in. Warning signs that this is a boiler room operation. Next I got their free personalized marketing plan which was nothing but a rehash of the 30min presentation they ask you to watch. So I redoubled my information search for this company and found this site. Thank God for that. I cancelled all future contact but still they are sending me their info package. They are coming across like a used car salesman and, you know what they say, you will probably end up with a lemon.

Anonymous said...

Sadly I must admit they got me for $6,500 back in October. Unfortunately, I found this site only recently. But if I can help the next individual avoid making the same mistake as me, then I will feel like it went to good cause.

When I found this site, I emailed my marketing director, David Arlen, and the Senior Consultant, Robert Clarke, that I first made contact.

Here is the body of that email with the response from both of them.

Much to my dismay, I found some EXTREMELY disturbing information on the internet last night about your company, ITS/Career Transition/McKenzie Scott/USAJobmarket/Executive Mailing Service. (I am sure I missed a few.) It would seem that your services are nothing but a scam. I have found countless postings describing exactly what I have been told and experienced. If my outcome follows those online, I will have nothing but a $6,500 albatross around my neck.

I have to say that you and Robert Clarke are VERY good at making someone feel at ease. I did not like shelling out $6,500 for this service, but I felt that it would pay off in the end. I do not feel that way anymore. I feel like an idiot for believing the line of BS. I am scared and ashamed that I put my family in jeopardy because of this scam.

I know it does not matter to you or your company, but this scam has damaged my life, the lives of my children, and my marriage beyond words. You must be one cold-hearted individual to fake interest in me and my family, or you are in the dark as well. Although I find it hard to believe that you would work for a company and not know what type of operation it is.

I hope you and all the others sleep well at night knowing the damage the company has caused to unsuspecting job seekers.

With the greatest of regrets,


David's response:

I just left you voice mails on both your home and cell phones. I would like to speak with you about this as soon as possible. Please get in touch with me.
Thank you.

David Arlen
Marketing Director

Robert Clarke's response:

Hi xxx- Please let me know what I can do to help remedy this situation. Our Team and myself is dedicated to assisting you and getting results. I encourage you to focus on the solution- and let us know how we can serve you better as opposed to buying in to rumor, here-say or opinion; which will not get you where you ultimately want to go.

Sincerely- Robert Clarke

Again, here are the two that I had contact with.

Anonymous said...

This lady is in the middle of trying to scam me right now.

Lydia McArthur, Senior ConsultantITS Family of Companies email: lmcarthur@careertransition.comphone: (866) 328-2685 x2822

I find it 1/2 funny, so I keep stringing her along. Will she see any money, NOT!

Anonymous said...

Won’t you please welcome three more to the party?

Career Advancement Partners (
Robert Jameson Assoc.

FYI: Robert Jameson, of Robert Jameson Assoc, is really Bob Gerberg, the chairman at ITS. He has also authored books under the name Robert Jameson Gerberg. So why now does he now go by Bob exclusively? And the name Jameson appears buried for good. This alone may not seem like a big deal, but when you couple it with the company’s numerous name changes, red flags begin to surface.

Princeton Masters, according to Internet search data, appears to have been banned in the state of Texas for violations after a hearing from Texas’s Career Counseling Inspections and Investigations Committee.

Curiously, nowhere can I find (including in their package of materials that they send out) what ITS stands for, if anything. Has anyone else? IMHO, ITS is a cleverly devised name as to not be able to Google it specifically, as a previous poster indicated. The word "it's" or "its" would appear in millions of searches (134 million to be precise), as would similar words like "and" and "the". By attaching "Family of Companies" to the name, it could be intended to smooth over any confusion if you do research and run across these companies. They probably want you to think that some of the past names must be a part of their "family of companies." Brilliant public relations work. Remember, companies like this spend boatloads of $ on marketing and public relations to maintain their image. When dealing with a business of any kind, there shouldn’t be this much confusion to the consumer about the company. Reputable businesses don’t have anything to hide and don’t have to play a shell game, but that’s just my theory and opinion.

However, they are not an illegal company or a scam. They do provide a service that can be very beneficial - at a high cost. To many, it is worth it. Yet others will complain that they were scammed. One must take some accountability for one’s actions. Any "investment" has the potential for disappointment. One must weigh the potential value to the cost. It's a gamble, especially since the cost of this "investment" is ALL upfront. Exercise caution in using any service that wants all their money upfront. Why not half upfront and half later? Or what about financing options? Zero flexiblilty here.

Finally, check out I've used them in the past. An excellent consumer advocacy service for those that have been legitimately ripped off by any company or service(not just those complaining that they paid too much). There is a daily radio show, as well as spots on a local television station, that exposes legitimate consumer concerns/fraud.

I'm not claiming ITS is good or bad or that you should or should not do business with them. Just really do your homework and make intelligent decisions.

Anonymous said...

I've been looking for a new job for a few weeks, with very few hits and have lost some confidence that anybody out there "wants" me, even though I've got great experience. So when I got the emails from DPS and from ITS saying they could help me find the "secret jobs" that aren't listed in ads or on the job boards, I was thrilled: here's my chance to make some headway.
So I created a profile on the ITS site. I watched the slick 30 minute video, read their free materials they fed-exed to me and talked with the guy for 2 hours on the phone. It's basically the same information provided in those 3 formats (video, print, conversation), but it's all just a sales pitch. It was a very pleasant phone call, very soft-sell approach, and very conversational. It's obvious that the salesman knows how to communicate and find and push the buttons of the listener.
At the end of our conversation, I asked him "how much will all this cost me?" He sent me a multiple page agreement that shows the "basic" service is $7500 with options for another $5K or more, all of which he went over in detail . We closed the conversation with the thought that I would get back to him the next day to "close" the deal. Just to make sure I wasn't being bamboozled by the latest internet scam, I googled "ITS" which, as many people in this blog stated, is useless because that's like searching for "the", "or", "and" and other common English words. So that's clue #1 that something's not quite right. Clue #2: the salesman used two different email addresses ( and, for which there are not corresponding web sites; that is not necessarily "bad", but it should be another red flag that something is not right.I was able to find this particular blog, however, which probably saved me lots of money. I was "this close" to signing the agreement and spending close to $10K, but after reading the posts here and thinking more critically about the sitation, I decided that what I really need is a good resume, and some good coaching and support.
Long-story-short...don't even consider signing up with any of these types of companies that promise to
get you in on the "secret jobs" that aren't published. Yes, you probably SHOULD spend some money to "market yourself", but spend it on a professional resume writer,
and possibly an interview coach and/or negotiation training. Use the free job boards and possibly (if you're
in the $100K+ salary range). You should be able to get a professionally prepared resume by a certified resume writer for $500 or less.
Good luck to everyone.

Anonymous said...

They almost got me for $6500. They wanted me to use GE Credit card instant approval. She just changed from to

See below she offers other financing options.

Did you use just your name? If you wife has better credit, perhaps you can re-apply with her as a co-sign.

If that doesn't work, then there isn't really too much else you can do through GE capital. If you don't think your wife's credit is good enough, see if there is a friend or family member that is willing to co-sign for you to get the approval through immediately.

Dendy Fowler, Senior Consultant
ITS Family of Companies
757-650-4236 (ph)

She lives in Virginia Beach and works at home.

Anonymous said...

A BIG thank you to everybody for sharing their experiences. I was less than a day away from signing with these snake oil salesmen, inspite of all the warning signs....the various company names, the upfront fees etc. I am glad to know I am not the only one who fell for their slick selling tactics.

Here is another name to add to the black list - Pat Morgan.

He contacted me mid December with the same speel they give everybody else. I guess the most compelling argument he gave me to sign up was the signing bonus he promised they would get me...somewhere in the range of $20K. He said this would more than cover the services expense...and I almost bought into it....untill I read what you guys had to say. THANK YOU SO MUCH. You saved me a boat load of time and money.

Below is the email I got from Pat:

Hello sucker:

I enjoyed our conversation today and look forward to reviewing with you
your complimentary personal marketing plan on DAY, DATE at TIME.

As a reminder, I have authorized your email address,, to be your private access code for entering
our market tour. The "Tour" will introduce you to today's job market and
how our technology can often enable you to find 85% of your openings
and leads rather than 3-5%. In addition, having you informed on what
works today will make your marketing plan review more productive.

Click the link below to get to our 'Complimentary Service' page and
from there proceed to the tour.

If you click the link and don't see your name displayed on the page be
sure to copy the text of the link in it's entirety and paste it into
your browser.

After viewing the market tour, you'll be able to better complete our
marketability profile (found at the same location as the market tour).
This will surface your transferable skills and give me your personal
input on the search issues most important to you.

IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that you view the tour AND complete the
marketability profile. Only then can I assemble everything needed to
provide you with your personal marketing plan, which I will email to you
prior to our next discussion. I will also overnight to you some

As discussed, please forward your resume to me by e-mail as a Word.doc
attachment. Please call or contact me by email if you have any

I look forward to our conversation.


Pat Morgan, Senior Consultant
ITS Family of Companies

Anonymous said...

Thank God for the internet.... Just got off the phone on an initial call with a rep from DBP. Tried to google ITS couldn't find anything... that's odd... here a company that is in the job search market and you can't find anything on them.. ummhmmm.... Then I did the same for Delaney ect... . Glad I found this site...They are smooth.

Anonymous said...

Poof. Career Advancement Partners's website no longer works. Comes up in a Google search, but the link to the site is now gone. Vanished into the deep, dark abyss of the world wide web. May it rest in peace alongside fellow historic figures and
Where's Is it just a domain for company e-mails? Smells fishy.

Anonymous said...

I too was contacted by this company a short time ago. Like many others on here, my gut instincts told me to stay away. But I did learn some intersting things after talking to individuals at the organization. All of these 'consultants' are compensated on a 100% commission basis. And the percentage of the commission in which they do receive is dependent upon how many of these 30 minute video tours they convince us to watch. No wonder it is 'EXTREMELY IMPORTANT' that we watch and respond. Their bottom line is dependent upon it.

Anonymous said...

Add Dennis Johnston (under the ITS moniker) to the list. Made the trip to Pittsburgh then decided to do some research - Thank goodness for this blog!

Anonymous said...

Looks like there now under the name Changing Careers. Received a call from Chip Shaw, Senior Consultant, ITS.

Anonymous said...

Chalk up another call and email - from Chip Shaw. These guys are definitely on the hard-sell. I started to explore them but it just didn't smell right - and my discussion with "Chip" when he called me confirmed everything.

He also gave me the name of Bob Gerberg as their CEO. Supposedly his phone is 303-846-2809.

Keep up the watchful eye - I'll keep looking for contract opportunities (or maybe a great job if it comes along) through more professional methods.

Anonymous said...

Here's another name.

Allen Hall, Senior Consultant

phone: (972) 281-5937 ext 119

I was contacted by him today. I've since deleted my profile from their data base.

Anonymous said...

Just got a call from Scott Bodley... last week he said Scott Bradley... Anyway... ITS is McKenzie Scott is Said they were in Florida, then in Texas, then North Carolina... couldn't keep it straight... raised the flags and when I searched this site! Thank you ALL for this site!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you , thank you. I was given the executivesearchonline link by a friend and completed their surveys. I received a phone call and an e-mail and started searching google with much the same issues as others. Then I found this blog. I am marking them as spam and not returning any calls. By the way, the James Quinn guy listed earlier is now going by Bill Quinn in his e-mail to me.

Anonymous said...

Scott Bodley is another "Senior Consultant" to be aware of for ITS and the various flavors of this organization:

Scott Bodley

Who knows how many other versions of this company's name exist out there? He picked my profile from a job board and contacted me. At first I thought it was a recruiter, until I got into the whole package and slick presentation. These people are very well trained to market the product, but have little or no response when you present a credible objection or outside negative information about the company. This guy just repeated the company jargon and self produced company marketing materials. He did claim their are no complaints about the company filed with the Better Business Bureau. Well, which company? And, according to the terms outlined in the ITS AGREEMENT, most clients would have little if anything they could complain about with the BBB. If you accept the resumes and other materials when presented but before any are used, the money back guarantee is over. And you give up your right to legal action and further agree to non-disclosure by signing their contract. Thankfully, I didn't pay the $6500 proposed fee.
Keep your money, do your homework and use the many great free or low cost resources to recruiters and employers that are available all over the web.

Anonymous said...

I followed the link I received from Bryce Decker of DBP before I found this blog. When I looked through all of their "free" stuff I realized there was no job information from them, only more sites to go to to look for jobs.
I have compiled all of the different versions of the recruiting sites and the names of the "Senior Consultants" so far.
If you know of anyone that is looking for a job, refer them here to warn them to NOT use any of these sites or anyone associated with these sites if they want job referrals;
Delaney, Byczinski and Potamkin
McKenzie Scott
These folks have been associated with the above organizations;
Arlen, David
Bodley, Scott
Bokelmann, Paul
Boyer, Fred
Bradley, Scott
Clarke, Robert
Copeland, John
Cowart, Mary W
Daniels, Lynette
Decker, Bryce
Emerson, John
Farr, David
Forrester, Ian
Fowler, Dendy
Garcia, Alisa
Hall, Allen
Hardick, Kevin
Hartford, Tom
Johnson, Dennis
Kelsay, Tom
Kendrick, Melissa
Khan, Isaac
McArthur, Lydia
McVeigh, Judy
Morgan, Pat
Norton, Ron
Perkins, Norris
Quinn, Bill
Quinn, James
Ramirez, Joe
Richtman, Claire
Rubestein, Gordon
Ruckel, Carol
Sanders, Patrick
Shaw, Chip
Silvernagel, Jerome
Sramek, Sue
Stewart, Paul
Straub, Carrie
Swift, Jack
West, Bob
White, Jeffrey
Wilder, Steve
Williams, Charles
Williams, Robert
Worthman, Paul

Anonymous said...

Thanks Everybody. I almost fell for this too. I had my second meeting today in which I received a copy of the contract outlining (for lack of better word) the fees and what they would do for me.

Here's what strikes me as odd...
1. The varied names under which they operate and the difficulty in researching them on the internet is a red flag. I was told they have spent $30 mil on technology (JAMCO) and they couldn't make one concise web page with one URL. There is obviously a reason for that.
2. The fact that you cannot find any information about the individual recruiters is odd. If these guys are experts then I would imagine that they would have either been published or had been recognized in their field. I wouldn't be surprised if the recruiters use aliases, similar to how the business appears to operate.
3. Their contract actually promises very little and the guarantee is not a money back guarantee.
4. Besides on their websites, I cannot find anybody saying anything favorable about them. This is odd, because I was given a marketing piece that was the size of a book and contained nothing but testimonials. Are those real?

Onlythetruth said...

Hey Folks,

Great blog, hopefully saving hundreds from the scavengers that are out there preying on all of us. When I filled out the form and my phone number was mandatory I put in ###-555-1212 (### being my area code. Here is the e-mail I got in return (Italics added):

Hello John:

Unable to reach you by phone, becasue you placed a phone number that was information, so I decided to follow-up with an email. If you would like to be contacted please reply to this email, if I have not heard back from you I will delete your request from our system.


Richard Schutt, Senior Consultant

phone: (800) 320-1277 ext 3950

The misspellings are HIS as this is “copy” “paste” of his e-mail. Add another name to the list!

Anonymous said...

I had posted my experience with ITS a couple of weeks ago and wanted to give people an idea about what to expect if they actually confront the "senior consultants" about their concerns.
When I raised the issues I had with the service (the numerous company names, the service agreement with no guarantee’s etc.) Mr. Pat Morgan said he would put me in touch with somebody who had actually used the service and who would put to rest all my concerns. He gave me the contact info for a Mr. Bob Guzzetta and asked me to call him. By this time I was so sick of all the BS that I just wanted to wash my hands of them all. I never contacted Mr.Guzzeta and thought that was the end of that.
To my surprise, Mr. Guzzeta was the one who contacted me. He claimed to be a big shot CFO (a quick goggle search on his name will show that he sits in a virtual office in Delaware - First of all I have NEVER heard of a CFO taking time to actually call someone about a service he has used. He said he was doing this as a favor to Pat Morgan who had helped him get this fantastic position and then proceeded to espouse the virtues of ITS and how revolutionary their methods were and that I was so LUCKY to even be selected by them to join. He told me how great he was and that I was so privileged to get the chance to talk to him.
I listened to his monologue for a few minutes and then began asking him questions - the number of interviews he got with ITS, why do they charge an upfront fee, why are there no testimonials about this service, why so many company names etc. His responses were absolutely ridiculous. A burger flipper at McDonalds could have come up with better answers and this guy was supposed to be a CFO. The more questions I asked, the more agitated Mr. Guzzetta got.
Then came the personal attacks. After I told him I was still hesitant about signing up for the service, he proceeded to berate my communication skills and said that if he was interviewing me for a job he would not hire me. He said I was unlikely to find a job without ITS and that should just shut up and do what he was telling me to do. He actually swore a couple of times and insulted my experience and my educational credentials (even though the B-School I attended is a top 20 school and he got his MBA from an unranked program). My favorite quote from Mr.Guzzetta was “you couldn’t afford even half an hour of my time and should be GREATFUL that I am even talking to you”. I thanked Mr.Guzzetta for his time and quickly ended the call.
Less than 10 minutes later I got a call from Pat Morgan. Apparently the “CFO” has a lot of free time on his hands and had a conversation with Mr. Morgan immediately after talking to me. I told Pat that I was less than impressed with Mr. Guzzetta and that I was still not convinced about ITS and I hung up.
These people will try every trick in the book to try and get you to sign - from sweet talk to fear and intimidation. Yes, they are slick marketers. But doing your homework and actually confronting them about their blatant lies will help expose them for what they are – CON ARTISTS.

Anonymous said...

Add me to the list of the grateful. I have been talking to an ITS "managing director" for several calls and was seriously considering signing up. Would have been a waste of $7500

Anonymous said...

Almost got suckered!!! I am a financial executive with TRANSFERABLE SKILLS....that is what almost sold me....Keep posting - what a scam this is

Anonymous said...

Chuck Koet, Senior Consultant

phone: 866/726-6020

For a company that alledgely spent tens of millions of dollars on their specialized software, how come the audio levels in their presentation go from soft to loud and they couldn't spend the minor amount of money to equalize the audio levels?

Anonymous said...

oh my god....thank goodness my wife is so pesamistic..she kept saying that this is too good to be true..what job pays 150,000 and has no stress...these people should be arrested..i almost fell for this scam...i cant believe it....thank goodness i found this blog or i would be out in the doghouse with 6500.00 less money.............................

Anonymous said...

Armin Feldman, Senior Consultant, ITS

Anonymous said...

I am soooo glad my partner found this site. She was actually considering to pay 6k out of credit to pay these guys for the service. Is there a way to do a mass warning for others???

Anonymous said...

I was contacted yesterday by Lydia.

Lydia McArthur, Senior Consultant
phone: (866) 328-2685 x2822

Here is her contact information. I was also troubled when I couldn't find a web site at or anything about ITS. I don't intend to waste my time talking to them.

I have found that is a good search engine for job sites; I have found some job postings there that I can't find on Monster, Dice, CareerBuilder, HotJobs, TheLadders or many other well-known sites. I have found that is a good search engine for $100K jobs.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the heads up. I really don't have the time or money to waste on sleezeoids like this that would kick a man when he's down.

Anonymous said...

thank you, thank you, thank you. Got my call from Richard Chrysler yesterday...what a smoothie!

For all of you posting the URL they sent you for your personal video...STOP DOING IT! I can copy and paste the URL you posted and see YOUR personal information! Maybe this blog author can go in and edit them out to further help these unfortunate souls.

Again, thanks for this info. I wouldn't/couldn't have shelled out the money, but if I had had a big severance package from my last company, I may have been tempted.

Keep up the great work.

Anonymous said...

Here is a another name your your list(see blow) Lucky I found this blog, I was considering this, company for assistance. I looked them up in the BBB and found 16 complaints in the last 36 months, what caught my attention was that all 16 were in the last year. Thanks for the Info! I do have to admit they are excelent sales men.

(Attemted sales person)
Ed Levy, Senior Consultant

phone: 303-846-2892

Anonymous said...

These are all interesting comments. I understand first hand how attractive these "promises" are, but they SHOULD raise a red flag! So many of these types of companies claim to find you jobs, but there are no guarantees! Finding a job is hard work (a good job). If you need help with your resume, I suggest going to a certified resume company/writer that doesn't charge thousands, or $20 either. check out for a qualified writer. Then, take the bull by the horns & do the grunt work yourself! Keep your hard-earned money & hit the pavement with a new resume. any company that promises jobs is bogus--there are no guarantees.

Sean said...

Add Donna Russo to this list

"I've left a couple of voice mails over the last week and thought I'd reach out one last time.

We received the profile you submitted to one of our websites, along with your request for some complimentary services.

You can reach me at the number below or respond via return email with a convenient time/date for us to have a brief teleconference.

If I don't hear from you within the next few days, I will archive your file and wish you luck in your search - hope to hear from you.


Donna Russo, Senior Consultant

phone: 866-328-2685 EXT:3958

Sean said...

It seems that Monster should be more responsible. Here is my complaint to monster. If they receive a few more then maybe they will deactivate the account/s.

Below starts the complaint to Monster.
I received a call and e-mail from ITS/
The woman calling said that they received my info from Monster. I wanted to do some research before I called them back. The only thing I can find is this link to a blog dated back to early 2007 and is currently active today with a continuance of complaints regarding this company. You should follow it and then request that this company answer to the complaints listed on this blog. If they cannot do this then Monster has an obligation to research this company as to its legitimacy. This company is using Monster as a vehicle to lend credibility to itself. If this company is a scam, it would do Monster and its members a favor by pointing this out and requiring them to cease and resist further contact with Monster job seekers. I feel failure to do so would implicate monster as knowing or should know that ITS tactics are questionable if not dubious in the manner in which they conduct business. Monster should subsequently be held accountable for any damages that were to occur as a result of your failure to conduct due diligence.
Thank you
Sean Benward

Anonymous said...

As with many of you, I was close to signing before getting a bit too skeptical. I have a second meeting tomorrow, but think a little payback may be necessary for these guys. I will string them along as much as possible, and then string them some more. Let's how far this can go. I will update later.

tammy said...

Hello all -

I found this site by googling (of course). I started to feel like I was getting 'worked' by two different firms. At least I thought they were different until I started googling to see what others experiences were with them.

Sure enough I found this blog and it appears that the two firms that I've been in contact with are related. Apparently the sales guys don't talk to each other otherwise why would they both be trying to recruit me.

Oddly enough I was NOT getting the same material from both. What tipped me off was that they were both asking for the same amount of money to 'find' me a job.

The two recruiter/sales guys I've been communicating with David Farr of Career Transitions and Richard Schutt of Changing Careers.

I'd especially like to talk to Heather who posted last year and Onlythetruth since they were working with the same guys I am.

I haven't given up on this agency yet, because I have a friend that moved to Colorado and she actually got placed by Career Transitions.
It did cost her a lot of money (money I don't necessarily want to pay) but she is working a nice job currently.

This site has been very informative, but I don't want to commit to a group where it seems many people are having so much difficulty.

Has anyone here actually paid for help and had a bad experience afterwards?

Is anyone willing to reach out to me personally and have some one-on-one conversations with me?

Thanks all.

Anonymous said...

Add another name to the list of "consultants":

Kent Curtis, Senior Consultant

phone: (866) 328-2685 X3955

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for all of your posts. I was contacted by

Paul Baker, Senior Consultant

phone: 303.378.1525

I thought it was strange that every website he had me go to was from a different source. Shouldn't a reputable company have just one main website in which all of their information could be found. They definatley almost sold me, I just kept thinking wow if they get me a signing bonus then I can use that to pay for the service. $7500 is incredible. No one has heard of these people. Also there is no such website of or
My guy was supposed to call me back at 4pm, its now 5:10pm. He tried calling me at 1:30 but I wouldnt answer the phone told him that he should call me at our scheduled time. I can't wait to have a little fun with this. and ask him about all the name changes with the company.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this blog, you may have just saved me a bunch of $$$$!

Ok so I got a call last night at 8:00 PM from Tim Culbertson from ITS in Denver. Very smmmmoooooth talker and after finding this blog, it sounds like he is one of "the crew"!

I have a follow up call with him on Monday so I can review his FED EXed material, complete the rather ambiguous online survey, and watch the videos.

I plan to ask him so pointed questions - like:

What does ITS have to do with McKensie Scott, USAJobMarket & DBP Executive Search?

Let you know how things turn out.

CP - Atlanta

PS: If anyone has ever heard of CTP Enterprises here in Atlanta GA, same sort of thing, but wanted $4800 for thier service!

Anonymous said...

I thank all of you for listing your experiences on these companies, as I was falling into the same pitch....ITS tried to strike again TODAY. Because of your comments, I was able to put a halt to the discussion and tell them that I do not appreciate them trying to take what little money people may have because they are out of a job and call it "investing in your own future" like we are doing ourselves a damage or something if we do not take advantage of their offerings. My goodness, when will humans start to act humanly again?

Anonymous said...

I almost fell for this, too. But decided that if I could not find anything about this company on the Web, outside of the what the company says about itself, then there must be a reason. So, I googled all the business names they gave me and found this blog under "ITS Personal Marketing".

The telemarketer was awful. She tried to scare me that I would never find a job, even though I am well qualified and already progessing with interviews. She told me how hard it was to find opportunties that fit with what I wanted. I told her I found so many , its hard for me to choose which to apply to. I also told her that mass mailing my resume would not produce the results I wanted. Some how I guess I still scheduled another interview as I received a message that I missed it.

Just plain goofy.

tammy said...

Hi, it's me again -

Is anybody here willing to talk to me about ITS? Let me know so I can drop an email address. Is it okay to drop an email address in this blog? I'm not sure.

I'm catching some heat from ITS so I'd like to speak to some others before I engage.


tammy said...

C -

Please keep us posted regarding the connection (ITS and MCKS) and what becomes of your FedEx package.


Anonymous said...

I got the call today, found this Blog, and I am glad I did. We are supposed to have a call tomorrow, and since I read this blog, I have sent my man Dan an e mail asking him if ITS is associated with USAJOBMARKET or McKenzie Scott. Lets see how he responds

Add Dan to the list:

Dan Mulholland, Vice President


Anonymous said...

Thank God I found this blog. I was so convinced that ITS was going to help me and work for me. Look out for Stephanie Reed - she's the one that almost got me. Thanks everyone!

Anonymous said...

Awesome Blog! Thank you so much. I was talking with a guy from Nashville (I'm out of Atlanta) and it sounded like a legit gig- we haven't gotten so far as the price tag yet but I just knew it would be a whopper. Never guessed it would be upwards of $5K.

I was skeptical but wanted to hear how the sales pitch would go. Thanks for saving me the time and energy and a ton of cash.

They are doing business under the name Changing Careers as well. The guys email was his So- Buyer beware!

If anyone else has had experiences with this group please post!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for this blog.

I just finished phase 1 with Cindy Lester at ITS (intro call, video, and questions).

There were red flags all over.

Then I started a net search for any/all info. Found nothing. More RED flags.

Then googled this blog. More RED FLAGS.

My suspicions were correct. Thanks for the corroboration.

Anonymous said...

Add up all the numbers after every $ sign and give it to whoever started this blog! I am another one who got as far as watching their oh so important video (listening actually, I was making lunch at the time!) and am awaiting their next call whereupon I will refuse their services. For starters though, I will see how many times I have to ask them how much it costs before I get a reply. My "Senior Consultant" has been mentioned before and my experience to date with ITS is pretty much the same as other posters, their email doesn't match the name I get on the caller ID on my phone: Americas Job Network, though this has already been referenced by a previous poster.

tammy said...

Hey everyone -

I have an appointment to talk to the ITS consultant on Friday. I've been asking anyone on this blog to have a one on one discussion with me and I haven't even dropped my address! Email me at I could really use some quick interaction. Please! Anyone?


Anonymous said...

Looks like they are still at it here in 2008. Just got a call from my "Senior Consultant" and was able to shut it down before it went anywhere. Thanks for the information on this "saga."

Anonymous said...

I just received an e-mail from William Weber After calling the supplied number (somewhere in Tampa) and asking what their business was I became suspicious after the receptionist immediately forwarded my call without saying a word. Glad I found this site so I can tell this butthead where to go when he calls/writes back.

Anonymous said...

I too got contacted by Joe today... I can't believe the nerve of such people. Preying off good honest hardworking people! I'm so glad this blog is here. I hope this guy goes broke or his family finds this website and realizes how he makes a living!

Joe Kelleher, Senior Consultant
phone: (336) 323-1600

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the info on ITS/McKenzie Scott. I only learned that ITS is McKenzie Scott when shown the online marketing tour by a representative. They had not changed the web page title (which said McKenzie Scott) to ITS.

Once I started doing the research, I realized it is the same company.

Kudos to everyone out there being vigilant about such operations.

Add this rep to the list:

Jerome Silvernagel, Senior Consultant
Phone: 1-303-357-3967

Andrea Weisberger said...

If anyone wants to view the McKenzie Scott/ITS marketing tour, here is the link:

I am so glad I found this site in time!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all of the valuable info on the postings. I too rec'd the "email" from a
Michael Bowen , Senior Consultant ITS

Guess I won't be pursuing that waste of time.

Anonymous said...

After almost two weeks of back and forth communications with my “free services advisor”, I am so grateful that I found this blog and that as a result I could have saved thousand of dollars. These people would not take a NO for an answer.

I am including the name of my ITS consultant that as I recall mentioned at least a dozen times that he has a PhD and even so would use ITS services to write his resumes... etc.

James Miragliotta, Senior Consultant

phone: Direct Line: (978)375-7462

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say thanks to all of you. I was just contacted and said no

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU ALL...I just got off the phone with the ITS guy named Tom Dixon. He called me at work saying he wanted to do a "phone interview" (sounds like a JOB interview doesn't it??) So I happened to get getting home early so I scheduled the call with him. Really soft sell. He would NOT talk about how much the service costs at all. I also did the 21st century thing and Googled. could not find them until I found this link. Again, thank you all. If we don't support each other we can never expose a-holes like these people!

Anonymous said...

Add me to the sucker list. Posted on Monster then received a call. Agreed and paid $7500. Wish I would have paid for professional resume writer and gone to The Ladders for $30 a month.

Anonymous said...

Whoa nellie!!! I should have used my computer to check here first. I haven't made the $$$$ commitment and won't. Add to the list:

Dave White, Sales Consultant

to the list. Nice old man. How can they sleep at night?

Anonymous said...

I came across this site today. I have been a client of this firm and have had a good experience. I found them to be professional and they also delivered what they said they would to me. Can anyone give me feedback on what is going on here?

Anonymous said...

I almost fell for it too. Good thing I emailed my Mom for a sanity check. I emailed that I was (finally) wise to the game and have not heard back for today's phone meeting. Their stuff just smelled too fishy. Good thing I only burned minutes not $$$$.

Anonymous said...

Here is another ITS name to watch for.

Body of email I received after Monster posting.

This will confirm our next conversation today at 2:00pm. I look forward to speaking with you.


Hugh McDermott
Vice President
phone: (732) 284-9973

After reading there story this must be some MLM company. Some place there has to be a link to their income opportunity to join the party.

I have yet to find one person that said, found me a job, and I am happy.

Anonymous said...

Contact Info
Owner Career Advisory Network, Inc.
Email login [at]
Phone +1 303 846 2853, Fax: +1 303 846 2862
Address 8400 E. Prentice Ave, #660
Englewood, CO 80111

I did a who is search on these folks, for those who have been taken, here is a possible way to find them to serve them your lawsuit.

Good Luck

Anonymous said...

Wow. I just talked to the sales guy like 30 minutes ago and we are at the step of making a decision. I was skeptical how they could be so sure and I would start at a base of 80-100k and make everything sound so easy. My fee was $6500 and was truly considering it. After reading here, I am going to pass as I believe that there motivation is selling this product and not really backing up what they claim to do. Be aware, they are very skilled in making you feel good about you, and how you will come out of the situation after signing up. I do believe they may offer some great services but my guess is that it is mainly overpriced as a whole.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to everybody who has posted their comments on this blog. I just got a call today from a Rob Clarke at ITS (talking as though ITS was a houselhold name like IBM !!!!). I told him "Excuse me, which company", because I knew I had not applied to any company by that name. He asked if I have a half an hour to talk with him - said that his schedule was very busy with first quarter activities !!!. So we set the call for Tuesday. Then he sent me an email from I googled the domain and couldn't find anything. Something seemed suspicious so I googled some more, like everybody else and found this blog.

Thanks again to all for their comments.

Anonymous said...

I received the following message. It looks like another variation from ITS / CAN Inc. / McKenzie Scott -- itscareersusa this time:

+ excerpt from message
Job opportunities‏
Sent: Fri 2/15/08 5:08 AM

Dear xxxxxx,

We saw your resume and felt you would enjoy a FREE report that we provide.

It has helped 200,000 other professionals... find jobs from $60,000 to $750,000+. You can simply download it... free...

You can instantly download this report at

With best wishes for you success.

Bob Stewart,
Vice President

+ excerpt from web site
- For Professionals & Executives... Seeking $60,000 to $750,000+
- FREE—The 10 Major Job Hunting Mistakes... and how to avoid them
- Copyright © 2007 by C.A.N. Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part is strictly prohibited.

+ excerpt from this blog

The Rest of the McKenzie Scott Saga -

Yet another tentacle of the CAN Inc. / McKenzie Scott / ITS / DPB Executive Search.

Promises access to executive jobs but it is really just getting you to register so you can be contacted by the ITS Sales Goons.

The name is Mangement Recruiting.

Anonymous said...

Tahnks to all of you for adding your experiences, it will save me time and could have been money.

ADDITION to the list:

James Nicholson, Senior Consultant

800-302-1277 x3843

February 15, 2008

Anonymous said...

I have to wonder about these people that make a "living" listening to the stories of people trying to get back in the game. Maybe their just loosers trying to feed off of people they think are "loosers". All they have to offer is stuff you can find on your own, just repackeged sheap chocolate in a high dollar box. ITS the great American Dreem to be a rich bottom feeder. (NOT!!!)

Anonymous said...

Add another to the list ...

Hugh McDermott
Vice President
phone: (732) 284-9973

I actually found him on Google associated with McKenzie Scott ...

Stay away.

Anonymous said...

Another name for the list,

Tom Prentice, Sr. Consultant

phone: (866) 328.2685

Thanks for putting up this blog, I probably would have wasted time speaking with these scam artists.

Anonymous said...

I didn't have time to scan the other posts for this name but I thought I would add it just in case.

Thanks for the heads up on this scam not that I have the money to plop down anyways.

Hello Dan:

Unable to reach you by phone, I decided to follow-up with an email. After reviewing the profile you submitted through our website, I would like to discuss your background in greater detail. You can reach me at the number below or respond via return email with a convenient time/date for us to have a brief teleconference.


Bob Cook, Senior Consultant

phone: (866) 328-2685 X3951

Anonymous said...

one more name

>> Joseph Pouliot, Senior Consultant>> ITS>> >> phone: (916) 973-0672

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info add

Dena Manley, Senior Consultant

phone: (708) 220-8876

to the lista

Anonymous said...

Contacted today by

Gene Wycoff, Senior Consultant

Smooth real smooth!! Sounds good but not US$6500.00 for starters. Hey I amm looking for a job not looking for new debt!! I think they got to me with that new search company with the three last names now that I think about it. Sounds like a good 60 minutes story...I think I will contact the FBI with a heads up if they have not been already???

Anonymous said...

This is where I got sucked in...Delaney, Byczinski and Potamkin which I registered with in early Jan and was contacted today by ITS. Thanks all!!

Forty-Two said...

I was hit today by the IBS pitch. It was impressive and made me feel wanted. Fortunately my cynicism set in and I found this site. I will now pass. I think I will give theladders a try. Has anyone had any bad experience there?

Anonymous said...

Add another name to the list of agents working for this company. I had responded to a Careerbuilder posting under the Delaney, B.. Potamkin name yet Brian wrote from ITS / Changing Careers. Attached is his e-mail.

Hello _____:

Unable to reach you by phone, I decided to follow-up with an email.
After reviewing the profile you submitted through our website, I would
like to discuss your background in greater detail. You can reach me at
number below or respond via return email with a convenient time/date
for us to have a brief teleconference.


Brian Steeves, Senior Consultant

phone:(866)328-2685 or (303) 357-3985 (direct)

Anonymous said...

Hi, it is hard to let a good scam go. They are also working under the name Eagle Wings Strategies.

Watch out for Bob Walsh
Phone: 866-460-4304(Toll Free)or 303-454-3714
Fax: 303-454-3719 or 303-482-2343

Anonymous said...

Here's another pitch. I had agreed to talk with these folks, but I've got better use for my time.

> I've left a couple of voice mails over the last week and thought I'd reach out one last time.
> We received the profile you submitted to one of our websites, along with your request for some complimentary services.
> You can reach me at the number below or respond via return email with a convenient time/date for us to have a brief teleconference.
> If I don't hear from you within the next few days, I will archive your file and wish you luck in your search - hope to hear from you.
> Regards,
> Isaac Khan, Senior Consultant
> phone: (866) 328-2685 x3977

Anonymous said...

Wow, I am so glad I found this. I have been in sales for over 30 years and also thought it was too good to be true. I am looking to make a carrer change after 16 years in mangement in the mortgage industry. The pitch I got was they (ITS) are specializing in helping successful people in the mortgage/ financial insutry do just that. My second interview is on Monday! Boy that will be fun now. I feel sorry for those out of work and in desperation fall for this.

Dave Doty said...

the address in the blog is not quite right - it is

Robert Gerbergwork
8400 E Prentice Ave, Ste 660
Greenwood Village, CO 80111-2959
(303) 846-2853
Type: Land Line
Provider: Qwest Corporation
Location: Denver, CO
Job title: President
Company: Career Advisory Network

receptionist's name is Clara. CALL OFTEN - maybe hook up your fax machine.

I copy-pasted the entire blog and attached it as my "resume". 30 minutes later I got a thank-you confirming my "appointment"

Dave Doty said...

Gerberg, Robert J & Joan M
2 Sommerset Cir

Englewood, CO 80111-1403

Anonymous said...

Gerberg, Robert J Jr & Anthea J
Ages:45-49, 35-39

7108 Forest Ridge Cir

Castle Rock, CO 80108-3619

(303) 688-5006

wife's cell: 303 919 5419

Anonymous said...

Below is what they e-mailed me. This really sucks that they take advantage of people who are in need of employment.

Hello (My Name):

Unable to reach you by phone, I decided to follow-up with an email.
After reviewing the profile you submitted through our website, I would
like to discuss your background in greater detail. You can reach me at the
number below or respond via return email with a convenient time/date
for us to have a brief teleconference.


Tom Prentice, Sr. Consultant
phone: (866) 328.2685

Anonymous said...

Hey, Folks. Thanks for the great information about these bull$hit companies. I got an email from Charlie Williams with DBP and immediately did a Google search. I'm glad I found this blog.

You all need to know about another group of companies that are running the same scam. Hell, they could be related, I don't know. But the emails come from "(generally a city name)" or "(city name)". The specific companies I know so far are "Bernard Haldane & Associates", "J L Kirk & Associates", "RMC International" and "Hamilton Clark International". For some interesting reading go to and search for J L Kirk.

I had an "interview" with Linda McCluskey at Hamilton Clark International in Memphis, TN. She was as sweet as she could be, but the whole thing just didn't pass the smell test. I'm naturally skeptical when someone is rubbing my tummy and blowing smoke up my a$$ at the same time. When I got home I had an email with some "homework" (rather sophomoric, don't you think, for an adult job seeker?). I was supposed to complete my 'homework' by noon the next day and meet again with Linda the day after that. Since Hamilton Clark is their Memphis office's new name, it took some hunting. (Previous name was Renaissance Group International) But I smelled a rat and I finally connected them with the other companies I listed. (I know there are more, I just haven't figured them out yet.) Needless to say, I didn't complete my assignment. Rather I fired an email back to Linda with 20 different questions regarding HCI and its negative BBB history, its relationship to the other companies, her knowledge of both civil and criminal litigations the various companies were party to, etc., etc., etc. Naturally, I haven't heard from Linda since. Avoid these companies, too.

I hope this helps at least one person avoid these scammers as well. Good luck with your job hunting...

Anonymous said...

I am so glad I found this site. I also received to whole sales pitch, and I was considering hiring them. Here is another person to avoid.

As a reminder, if you'd like to proceed with our review of your personal marketing plan on DAY, DATE, at TIME, you will need to view our market tour. Being informed on today's job market and what strategies are most effective... will make your marketing plan review much more meaningful.
Click the link below to get to our 'Complimentary Service' page and from there proceed to the tour.

If you click the link and don't see your name displayed on the page be sure to copy the text of the link in it's entirety and paste it into your browser.

Key things on the tour to view carefully include:

* The concept of having a marketing plan
* Handling any liabilities
* Uncovering new industry options
* Resumes... and what works best today
* Openings... how to connect with what you need
* Interviewing in highly competitive situations
* Keys to negotiating increases, signing bonuses and equity

As soon as I've seen that you've viewed the tour, I'll assemble your personal marketing plan and make it available for our next meeting.


Jack McCool, Senior Consultant

phone: (856) 663-7598

Anonymous said...

Guys, add another one to your list...

Dan Ward, Senior Consultant
phone: (866) 328.2685 x3902

Thank you for this site. I have an "interview" on Friday and now I will save myself the time.


CoolBean said...

Add another name to the list:

Terry Nash.
Phone: (972) 281-5937 x117

By the way, he said he was promoted to VP from Senior Consultant the day he sent me the quote. LOL

Anonymous said...

Here's another one:

John Copeland, Senior Consultant
phone: (866) 328-2685 x 3915

Anonymous said...

Just found this.
Another name to add to the ITS family...

Chuck Serracino, Sales Consultant ITS
phone: 1-866-328-2685 x2891

this of course came after my reply to the initial email from

Bob Stewart,
Vice President

Set up an appointment for the first phone interview for today and the guy calls 40 minutes early, apologizing for calling 20 minutes too late. Claimed that he got confused with the times as he mostly calls companies in Pa and Va, but that he was in Denver. I was perturbed because if he in fact read my resume on Monster or Careerbuilder then he should have known that I was in the Chicagoland area.

Got the link today for the video. Began watching it, but before I got 30 seconds into it decided to begin googling the ITS name.

I might still send in my resume and get some feedback from them, just to string them along and to cost them what I can. But the excitement of thinking that I was going to have my search aided, is now back to the reality that it is me and my contacts.

Also got an email from
Bryce Decker

on a side note, seemingly UN-related to ITS:

also got two emails in the last 24 hours from 2 supposed companies in Texas. Both saying that they had jobs available. Both provided a phone number to call or a link to click for more information.
Both were from different companies seemingly with no connection except the poor quality of the web page.

Here is the message sent out.
Hi, my name is Andrew W. King and I am the President of United American's Branch Office Division. I found your resume online and wanted to contact you. We are now hiring applicants from a wide variety of backgrounds and we believe you are an outstanding match.

We have immediate openings for motivated individuals like you. First year earnings can range as high as $100,000 for new representatives and management positions are awarded for excellence, regardless of prior experience. If you are goal-oriented with good communication skills and have a desire to succeed within a company that has a well-known industry reputation for financial stability, quality products and streamlined services, then I would like to speak with you at your earliest convenience. We are a part of the Torchmark Corporation. We provide full training and a complete set of skills to help you build your earning potential. Bonuses and incentives are also a part of our commitment to your success.

I look forward to discussing this opportunity with you. If you are interested in learning more about this opportunity, simply CLICK HERE, or call 1-888-228-5858.


Andrew W. King
President and Chief Marketing Officer
Branch Office Division
United American

In both cases when you click on the link you are sent to a plain white page that simply states "Thank you for your interest in the job opportunity we have at United American.
You will be contacted by our local representative soon."

This is apparently a real company that operates under the name Torchmark.
But the promises of high salaries are misleading and there are numerous complaints from clients and employees on

Anonymous said...

This is so weird. I just received a call from...

Armin Feldman, Senior Consultant
phone: (866) 328-2685 X2872

He also emailed me the email below...

Unable to reach you by phone, I decided to follow-up with an email. After reviewing the profile you submitted through our website, I would like to discuss your background in greater detail. You can reach me at the number below or respond via return email with a convenient time/date for us to have a brief teleconference.

I was getting ready to email him back but wanted to look up the company. Of course I could find it so I googled his name and found this website. THANK YOU EVERYONE for this website.

RacerGuy said...

Soooooo glad I found this site and was able to read everyone's comments. I just received the same email from 'Armin Feldman' with the same text.

Thanks folks for the heads-up.

Anonymous said...

I got an unexpected email saying to please call him because he was unable to contact me by phone. I replied that I had no record of an attempted contact and to please not email me again because I know the game.

Anonymous said...

Got a call today from ITS.

I asked what the call was about and the consultant would only say my job search-- and that he was from the ITS "family of companies;" like I should know who they are. I was left wondering if it was a recruiter or what. When pressed further, he began to list information he must have gotten from one of the job boards from a resume I posted there. The way he answered this question with information about me was kind of creepy, especially in response to my question.

He asked to make an appointment to talk, so I said sure, but it did not seem right. Why didn't he tell me what he was calling for, but I was in the middle of something and just let him make an appointment.

So, I get this email when I get home and the company name and the consultant's email address don't match. That's funny; not a usual business practice to have your company name and email address be different from each other.

I went to and lo and behold, it is a company called Instrument and Technical Systems, that appears to have nothing to do with staffing. I thought, wow, that's strange. Not a usual mode of doing business, you don't own the domain for your company name.

I searched ITS on google and get tons of hits, too many to really search. So I google ITS and Staffing. Bingo. The company is called ITS Technologies, but its URL is HMMMM

I look at the site and there is some vague stuff about working for them as a contractor while they help you with your career and all these other job search services they offer. Also--there are 104 jobs listed on the site. Most are in Ohio Stil not positive that this site is the same company, but too many things sound like things others have posted.

So, I find another link for ITS which is its list of jobs careerbuilders. There are 29 jobs listed, 28 in Ohio. Again, it is ITS Technologies.

But wait, nothing lines up here. The URL on this page is to and wouldn't you know, it shows exactly the same content as

Next, I Googled the phone number in the email from my ITS consultant. I wasn't too surprised when it turned this up:

Then I found this site, although even before I found it, there were just too many red flags to not wonder.

Another thing I would like to note after reading over this blog. Have you noticed how all of the contact names seem wrong? They are so perfectly normal names that they just seems fake. I googled the one for my consultant, and it just happened to also be the name of a famous artist.

ITS may offer some legitimate services and may have helped some people, but it seems very odd the way they operate and I certainly have no need to pay someone to help me with my search, especially when they are not straight about who they are or what they are selling.

Thanks to everyone for posting and best of luck finding a great career.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the info - you can add this one to the stack:

Unable to reach you by phone, I decided to follow-up with an email. After reviewing the profile you submitted through our website, I would like to discuss your background in greater detail. You can reach me at the number below or respond via return email with a convenient time/date for us to have a brief teleconference.


Ken Richards, Executive Vice President
I sent him an e-mail back letting him know I would be available for at "teleconference" on the 10th of never.

unkown said...

Mr Gerberger,

Fire your sales mangers and hire a pro that will instill integrity and truth to your sales pitch. What you have to offer is better than good. People need your help and will buy what your selling.
Try selling half of what you are really are and delivering double on what you promise...then sit backand watch this log die out! Your welcome bob!

Anonymous said...

Yesterday I got an email from claiming they had several employment opps that could be of interest to me, and invited me to click on that link. I did. I posted my resume and responded to a long questionaire about personality, hobbies, etc, (including for how long I could survive without an income; strange question I though).
They claimed all this info would help them critique my resume and match my skills with job opportunities, and that a carrer planner or advisor would contact me within 48 hours, all free of charge. Wow! I though they must have good retainers and large numbers of advisors to get back to you in that short period.
In fact, very early this morning an advisor phoned me to set a time for tomorrow to discuss my resume and opportunites. Then I received an email with the confirmation.
The acronym "ITS" appeared under the sender's name and title (no indication of what ITS stands for), and the sender's email was
What relationship does this firm have with and ITS? I wanted to find out.
I am very happy I found this blog and want to thank all of you for your contributions and initiative. It has saved me, and many others I hope, time and money, although I would have never agreed to any up-front fee.

Anonymous said...

I also received a call and follow up email from Ken Richards...the exact same wording as all the others on this blog. I appreciate all the will certainly save me a lot of aggravation and potentially a lot of money.

Anonymous said...

Like the rest of you THANKS! This post probably saved me many headaches.

New site to add to the list of evil:I just got another email from Bryce Decker and the link was to

Good luck to all of you in your searches.
Doug (dougdavis6 at hotmail)

Anonymous said...

My husband and I were about to sign on the dotted line, then I found this blog. Thanks to everyone who posted. You all saved us $13,000.

We had just met with an advisor from ITS this week. He couldn't answer specific questions, but instead gave vague answers. As we left the meeting, I told my husband I had a bad feeling about them. Just didn't pass the smell test. As the saying goes... if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

It seems they prey on people during a time when they are most vulnerable. I want to particularly thank those people who had signed up with ITS (or whatever name they are doing business under at the moment). Sharing your experiences is saving so many people from not only financial losses when they can least afford it, but an emotional toll that can't be measured.

Anonymous said...

Add Tom Prentice to the list of senior consultans. I would not have paid $7500 for the service but I would have wondered if I made the right decision. Thanks to all.

Anonymous said...

Add to the list:

Terry Beal,
Senior Consultant
phone:866-328-2685 x3932

He called from 303-846-2800

Anonymous said...

This blog and comments are fascinating. I get quite a few emails from some of the same sales people who have been mentioned in these comments. They seem to come after I have updated my hotjobs resume. I suspect they automatically 'skim' the resume sites for fresh resumes and send these emails based on keywords.

In my 20 years of experience, legitimate headhunters are paid by the companies they represent. I have used several to find job candidates. The fact that these guys are asking individuals for thousands of dollars to access some list of job postings is a big red flag.

The long list of company names and the ever-changing web links indicate that they may not be who they say they are.

Here is an email I received earlier today:


Are you still in the market?

We felt your resume indicated that we may have immediate openings at DBP that could be right for you. However, if you are interested, we need some added information.

Delany enjoys a growing reputation as a fast growing recruiting service. our clients include small and large employers, growth companies, and Fortune 1,000 corporations. We deal only in professional and executive openings and there are no fees.

To register with us, as well as to review current situations at your income level and in your geographic area, please do the following:

Click on

The "register now" button will take you to the profile information that we need.


Charles Williams
Senior Vice President

Sami's Mom said...

Unfortunately, I found this blog too late. I had been desperate to get out of pharmaceutical sales, job hunting for 5 months, and about to get laid-off when Brian found me. I googled away and could find nothing. Checked the BBB, and they were approved. Figured they must be legit. $8,250 and almost two months later I am ready to file a complaint. It has become obvious they can't deliver on their promises. Has anyone succeeded in getting even a portion of their money back? Any suggestions?

Anonymous said...

Scott Bodley is still active. I got an email from him the other day that mentioned he had phone troubles on his end and decided to contact me via email. I had my 30 minute soft sell call during which I received two emails from him. One was for me to visit the video link and fill out a profile, the other was a link to a site so my wife could fill out a "partner profile" to aid in making my profile more complete. Ya gotta hand it to these people, they're very slick.

Like a lot of other previous posts, I felt that something wasn't right and tried to research ITS but came up empty until I found this blog. I will not waste another minute of time on guys.

Thank you to all the previous bloggers for saving me $$$'s and time.

Anonymous said...

Dan, this is a great service you have done to start this information thread for those of us who have lost jobs and are feeling desperate. I believe there is a special place in Hades for people like this... I want to make money just like they do, but I would never sleep at night knowing my bank account was filled with somebody's savings they need or their kid's college fund, or whatever... Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness I found this post. I did a yahoo search on "ITS personal marketing" and scam and found you guys (after not finding anything else on this company). So on Friday I received the call from ITS from a Don Birchfield after having filled out my career profile on their website...which was initially at And Don's email address was at That was the first sign something smelled weird. Then when he called on Friday, he had stressed very harshly how I needed to have the Marketability Profile completed and view the Marketing Tour within 3 days. I was like...well this is a holiday weekend (Easter) and so I can't promise you that!!! But he just laughed it off like whatever...that left me feeling very strange. So Friday night after the kids went to bed I completed the Marketability profile then went to bed and did not complete the Marketing Tour. Of course, then my mind starts wandering and thinking how all of this just doesn't add up, and what about costs...etc, etc. So I was thrilled to find this site and read all of your experiences...thank you so much for alerting me before I got myself into deep trouble. I politely wrote Don back telling him I won't need his services or the planned conference call on Wednesday. Good riddance!

Anonymous said...

Thanks to this web site I did not complete the survey and I did get my money back. After they present the so called materials they ask you to complete a survey with the understanding that once completed you have accepted the materials. The resume's were just a form that inputed my information. The tools were nothing we could not do ourselves. The presure sales job is what told me something was not right. When they said I had to give them a contact list - not for references but to contact for any jobs they have available, it really sounded like an MLM. Were they planning on bothering my friends?

Anonymous said...

OHMYGAWD! Thank HEAVENS I found this blog-post. I got three calls from an uber-professional sounding "Assistant" to the "Director of Management Recruiting" who said my qualifications are stellar, and they can help me with placement of a Senior Executive level. I am so disappointed that I actually believed. I am so grateful that I cancelled my teleconference.

Anonymous said...

Look familiar?

Delany, Byczinski & Potamkin
West Loop Center, 10 Riverside Plaza, Suite 1800
Chicago, IL 60606
Phone: 312-474-6018 FAX: 877-222-8019

Anonymous said...

Well, these guys have certainly figured out their market. You almost have to give them kudos for the development of the plan.

It is unfortunate for them though, that with an investment of 30 million dollars... they are unable to communicate with each other about who is speaking with whom. It appears to be indicative of the "Quality" of service they provide. If the ITS Family of Companies is unable to effectively communicate with each other... HOW ARE THEY GOING TO COMMUNICATE MY QUALIFICATIONS to a possible employer. I spent much of today on the phone with the HR directors of a couple companies I worked with years ago when I was working as a recruiter... ALL 3 of them were familiar with the practices described...and versions of the "company" discussed and each politely informed me that I would be better served mailing my resume directly to the local dump.

FWIW I am including my reply to Tom Prentice... SR. Consultant.

I hope it will amuse some of you and brighten what could be a drab day in any job search process.

Dear Mr. Prentice,

During my obligatory due diligence with respect to doing business with your organization, I have become aware of, and alarmed by, some harsh review of your organizations services. I am completely aware that your organization is in the business of selling a service, and truthfully, I have no difficulty appreciating a good smooth pitch and sales person... It was initially one of the reasons I was willing to go further in this process. I felt if you were smooth enough to get my attention, you would be smooth enough to get the attention of possible employers. Your hesitancy to come forward with a direct answer to "How much is this going to cost me?" was the first red flag, although it was not the straw that broke the camel's back. I am familiar with, and can see around sales strategies and tactics.

For what it is worth, if the "ITS Family of Companies" is going to individually target job seekers, your organization should at least offer differing emails or contacts. Once one of you gets in contact with a lead, it should be documented somewhere, and available to the other "consultants" to prevent them from stepping on your toes. Since our initial contact and follow-up, I have been contacted by no less than 3 additional "consultants", each offering the same service, with exactly the same wording. Additionally, I was contacted by Linda McCluskey, of Hamilton Clark International in Memphis, Tennessee.. Which is, I believe, a member of the "ITS Family of Companies". Unfortunately, all of you may write out of the same songbook, but you do not all seem to sing in tune.

Unfortunately, due to the "picture" created by all the splattered paint. I find that I cannot in good faith continue to travel this path with you, ITS, ANY member of the "Family of Companies", or any representative thereof. I find it difficult to believe that you are not aware of what is being related about your company... but on a professional basis, I would recommend that... (oh, how did you put it?) you or your firm.... minimize your liabilities. Below, I have included links to websites, with which I feel certain you are familiar. If you are not, you should be, as you are recently listed prominently in one of them on more than one occasion. It is further more unfortunate, that I cannot find ONE satisfied user of your service posting in defense of your organization... or a listing of your organization anywhere that reflects your organization in a positive light. It seems such a reputable company would be proud of its service, and in the 21st Century, would promote a substantial web presence. Additionally, it seems to my mind, that prior to accepting a position with this firm, you would have performed your own due diligence... you seem to be an intelligent person. I am positive you can comprehend that individually, each one of these concerns could be considered negligible... combined, they are a formidable objection for your firm to overcome. In my case, they will not be.

I feel certain you will close several deals in the coming months, and in all likelihood, make a pretty good living for you and your family... This, I will not begrudge you. However, it will not be at the expense of my family's financial well-being. Had you asked, I might have given you the money. I gave more than your fee to the local church last year. But I refuse to be "fraud-ed" out of it. Your assertion that the "fee" would, "in most cases" be paid by the employer has no credibility at this point. The inconsistancies of the personal communications and delivered emails are remarkable. The representation that any of your firms are "recruiting firms" ( as represented in the DBP email ) is misleading at best.

I would have been pleased to have paid a reasonable fee in exchange for a reasonable service. I would have been pleased to to have paid a "fee" upon a successful completion of a search and my acceptance of an offer. The fee itself would have easily been a useful negotiating tool in closing any acceptable deal offer... I could easily see a signing bonus or incentive covering the ITS "fee".The difficulty, as I see it, and the sweetest part of what I perceive to be the overall business plan of ITS, is that there IS a market for your services... There is no need to play a shell game. That the "ITS Family of Companies" apparently chooses to conduct business in this manner is indicative of a flawed concept and lack of corporate belief in the services the company claims to render.

I wish the best of luck to you. Please immediately remove my name from your mailing / contact list. Please do not initiate any further contact with me on behalf of any of the "ITS Family of Companies". Your cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciated.

Also, congratulate Bryce Decker on his evident promotion from "Managing Director" to "Senior Vice President".



I hope that I can now leave this "mess" behind and go on with my search. Good luck to all of you that were not caught up in this web of smoke and mirrors / dog and pony show.

Anonymous said...

Add this dude to the list:

I asked many times what ITS stood for only to be sent to websites touting how good they are. I doubt the gut knows what ITS means himself.

I got the slick FedEx Promo. They're all slap-on-the-back-how-great-we-are with testimonials, etc. Even had an internal interview with the CEO! Not to mention the complimentary book ($25 U.S. retail price with no ISBN number to back it up as not being an advertisement (which it is)). Someone would actually PAY for that book?

I can't find one positive thing online with the exception of their own self-serving websites.

Bye Bill.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I sent Tom Prentice the long communication which is posted above... Declining to proceed further and asking to be removed from their mailing list and to cease any further communication.

Two days later... What happens?

You guessed it! They sent me the agreement anyway. It is almost identical to the one posted on this blog. $6500.00...

Now, this brings up the question -

If this organization is unable to abide by the simple request I made... why would I trust them to assist me in ANY manner in my search for a new career? I find it difficult to believe that the email I sent was not read. So the only obvious answer seems to be - incompetence.

Why would I even consider paying between $6500 - @$25000.00 for THAT????

Anonymous said...

Thank God I found this!!

Just received my contract from Tom Prencice. No way I will sign now.

Went through the whole song and dance, including the boring/lame 30 minute marketing porn.

Since it was month end, if I signed today, I will get free optional services included(after I pay $7,500)

It all sounded good with soft sell, until the end, then pressure sell.

The best blog advice I have ever read.

mongo said...

Dodged the bullet yesterday thanks to your blog. I became suspicious when ITS would not google and then saw the Rip Off Report under McKenzie Scott. All of the published materials on the web are from them, and their ads look like they are pulled from the back of a pulp magazine. I put 45 minutes into a "phone interview" during which I asked several times about the cost--no response.

The contact was Jack Skerlj (who appears to be a real person in the Denver area)

Now, I've reviewed the contract you have posted and there are a couple of issues.

The acronyms JMC and EMS are never defined, as is standard contract procedure, ie XYZ Wigdets (herein to be known as 'the Company'). Also, the language, although it meets plain language requirements, is hardly what one would expect from a 'high end' firm like ITS. The contract is written at a 6th grade level, not at the level of the corporate officers they claim to represent. I know--I'm a corporate officer and I write procedural manuals and process descriptions.

Quite frankly, I would contact the alledged lawyer who sent the cease and desist letter and verify his Colorado Bar number. It may not prove anything, but to a lawyer, its high insult.

Thanks for smoking these rats out. Lets see who they re-appear as next.

Dave said...

Wow, am I thankful I found this site! My husband is in the job market right now and was very enticed by Lydia's sales tactics from ITS in Denver. He asked me to watch their DVD (mainly designed for spouses) but I decided to do a little research first! It's sad that people pray on those who are in difficult situations like these folks at ITS aka McKenzie Scott, aka yada...yada....yada. We need to keep this information readily available for those who come behind!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the most enlightening information. Spoke with a Louis Hazen Senior Consultant. Watched the video and filled out the marketing survey. Started to do a google and had to be creative to find this blog, my significant other noticed the at the end of the pdf document. I'm sure he will call back tomorrow with my marketing plan, depending on my mood I might have fun with guy and lead him along then let him know he is a scam. Can't thanks everyone enough for this info.

Spread the word!

Anonymous said...

Fellow job seekers: here is the deal with any company that wants you to pay them to find you a job: they are all scams. REAL headhunters get paid by their corporate clients to find YOU, not the other way around. These companies pop up like zits on a teenagers forehead, scam some money from well meaning but naive job-seekers, then when they start to get some heat, they shut down and open up under a new name a month later. Everything is ambiguous on purpose-so they cant be held liable for stealing your money and so they cant be investigated.

Michael Cammer said...

Another associated site to ITS is
and the following site appears to be designed on the same template

Unknown said...

When the Google Search for the company (ITS) fails, ALWAYS Google the phone number: 866-328-2685


It's how I found this blog. Excellent reading. Won't be wasting my valuable I.S. Project Time on one...

Cindy Lester, Senior Consultant
phone: (866) 328-2685 x3908

And I'm pleased to post the entirety of the e-mail form letter "follow-up" to the v-message (which I did attempt to callback) here to aid other searchers. BTW - the e-mail is timestamped identically TO THE MINUTE of the v-message...

-- wrote:
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2008 07:48:08 -0700 (MST)
To: [my address redacted]
Subject: Your Career Profile

Hello Thomas:

Unable to reach you by phone, I decided to follow-up with an email. After reviewing the profile you submitted through our website, I would like to discuss your background in greater detail. You can reach me at the number below or respond via return email with a convenient time/date for us to have a brief teleconference.


Cindy Lester, Senior Consultant
phone: (866) 328-2685 x3908

=======[end of e-mail]========

Again, that phone number (alternate formats to assist others in their future Google searches)

866 328 2685

Anonymous said...

Reading these posts reminds me of the last verse of Little Feat's song "Dixie Chicken" (hope you are familiar). Well, thanks to you all, my $7,500 will remain safely in the bank working for me in ways other than the spam-faxing of my resume to the non-interested. My regrets to those taken in by this but take solace in the fact that your postings of have helped others such as myself from making exactly the same mistake. For that I am extremely appreciative. Thanks.

mobile1 said...

Great Post! Thanks for saving me the time.. I looked at their site from the email they sent 'cause I had my resume on monster too.
Dear Mr. Rick Dearr,

We saw your resume and felt you would enjoy a FREE report that we provide.

It has helped 200,000 other professionals... find jobs from $60,000 to $750,000+. You can simply download it... free... from this email. It's entitled "The 10 Common Job Hunting Mistakes... and How to Avoid Them."

People tell us that it that enabled them to lift their job hunting effectiveness by 5, 6 and even 7 to 10 times. In today's complex market, it shows how you can get exposure to 85% of the right opportunities... not the 2 to 3% that most people get.

It will also introduce you to the latest breakthrough ideas that are making job hunting easier and faster than ever before.

You can instantly download this report at

With best wishes for you success.

Bob Stewart,
Vice President
They of course want contact info to get you to download the "FREE" report.

Since I found this post first, I won't be wasting any time on the phone with them.

Keep up the good work.

Disgusted said...

Thank you to everyone that has posted on this blog, especially Dan, who started it.

I got a voice mail from a very nice sounding woman this afternoon. She said she'd found my resume on one of the job boards and thought she could help me out. She left her phone number and asked me to call her back to arrange a phone interview.

When I got home I checked my email and got the same email that many others have received. I typed out an email quickly but before I sent it I decided to do a Google search. The only thing I could find was this website.

The woman that I heard from is:

Carol Niemi, Senior Consultant

Keep up the good work people. Expose these disgusting people for the rats that they are!

Anonymous said...

The saga continues - sort of. They've taken to posting things on places like craigslist now. The ad they posted:

Reply to:
Date: 2008-04-08, 2:58PM MDT

Denver Tech Center company is looking for, immediate, on site help with an Internet research project. Must be Internet savvy, available to work 8-5 and have good work ethic!
$12 per hour.

Call or email Steve Newman 800-772-4446

I sent an email inquiring after the proposed position. I received an email response rather quickly from Carolyn Gerberg (the 'owner' of McKenzieScott is listed in many places as Robert Gerberg)....


Thank you for your email. Please call me to discuss.

Carolyn Gerberg
7979 E Tufts Avenue Parkway, Suite 1400
Denver, CO 80237
800-320-1277 x3906


I did a search for ITS. For the street address, and for the two individual 800 numbers listed. This post, and the comments with it, are by far the most explicit and clear examples of why these people are bad news. I responded to Carolyn's email with one of my own that was less than nice, but certainly polite, letting her know what I had found and thanking ('but no thanks') her for wasting both of our time.

Thank you for having this information up for everyone to see.

Anonymous said...

I received the "infamous call" last week and thought this was the best thing since sliced bread. Thanks for the reality check and keeping my $$$ in my pocket.

Anonymous said...

Great blog. I too got a call and a request to set up a phone interview. Turns out they get you when you apply for (I believe) fake job posting and complete a "preliminary screen". If you look at the options on the screening form you realize that most of them have nothing to do with the job you just submitted your candidacy for. The recruiter, rather arrogantly, "refreshed my memory when I told him I could not remember ever applying to ITS, Inc.

Decided to check online for these guys after receiving a "recruiter phone interview", which turned out to be a sales pitch. Of course, slick as can be, great services, the "inside track" a top notch jobs that would never be posted on job boards or sent to recruiters (isn't that illegal?) and then walk through their 30 minute online pitch. Of course, nothing but fluff and a special "no guarantee" clause, or if there's one it's nixed further down the legal lingo.

What gave it away was that this guy called back to make sure I checked my "bulk" e-mail folder because "for some reason our e-mails end up in the spam folder of our clients, we think it's because of the link in the message"...LOL, yeah right!

Best way to find these scammers is to select the "advanced search" on yahoo or google and enter "ITS personal marketing" and select "exact phrase" and add "scam" to the "any of these words "options". My "personal" interviewer pops up right away in the blog....

Ah, the disappointment on the face of my interviewer when he figures out that I won't be completing any of their mumbo jumbo screening process.

Thanks to all bloggers alerting us on these scammers!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Thanks everyone for posting on this blog. I've been trying to find out info on ITS for days now. It seemed rather curious that they didn't pop up on google. So, I persevered and stumbled on this blog. THAN YOU for starting this. I can't believe i was about to fork over my hard earned money to those fools!

Anonymous said...

So glad I found this info. I was considering ITS from the other end - becoming a consultant for them. No longer - YUCK! I have too much integrity.

They just posted another open job req on Craigslist.

Says they are headquartered in Denver and that ITS is a division of America's Job Network., and are also mentioned.

Anonymous said...

Well, here's mine...another for the list....
Sent: ____________

To: Hello ____:

Unable to reach you by phone, I decided to follow-up with an email. After reviewing the profile you submitted through our website, I would like to discuss your background in greater detail. You can reach me at the number below or respond via return email with a convenient time/date for us to have a brief teleconference. Regards, Don Birchfield, Senior ConsultantITSphone: (623) 572-0550

Anonymous said... "interview" is scheduled tomorrow. Thanks, thanks, thanks to all for saving me the time and the cash.

Anonymous said...

This is awesome. I have an "interview" on Monday. With Robert Clarke. I posted all of these comments back in an email to him letting him know that I don't want to talk to him.
Also, I would have never spent money to get a job!

Anonymous said...

I got suckered into paying "One months salary" to get a good job. They gave me the discounted rate for January only at $6500. I am into the 4th month with zero interviews. A few spam calls from wrong number faxes, half page faxes, etc... and believe it or not, NO CALLS FROM RECRUITERS. Has anyone ever received their money back? I'd love to join in with the class action lawsuit.

Anonymous said...

I did get my money back, but that was because I read this blog before I completed the survey after the initial presentation of the so called resume and so called tools. I mentioned I read this blog and refused to complete the survey and stated that I was not happy with the tools. Within a week I did get a full refund. If you search McKenzie Scott and ITS on the BBB I have noticed that they are in good standing because they are settling their claims so making a claim through the BBB may help get some of your money back if you file a complaint on

Look at the ripoff reports -!&q1=ALL&q2=&q3=&q4=&q5=McKenzie+Scott&q6=&q7=&searchtype=0

I went in with the same thought that I was only spending a months salary. If I had not read this artical and read the contract I would not of known that by refusing the presented materials I could get my money back.

The resume's are lame and the tools are the same tools we have available to everyone. Coaching was even worse, they were trying to push me toward what they had a template for instead of what I was looking for.

Good Luck on getting most if not all of your money back.

Anonymous said...

As of 1 May 2008, the ITS family of companies is still at it. What bothered me was that the sales presentation was so smooth and too good to be true. Thank you all for this blog, it would have damaged me severely to send them $6500 or more for nothing.

My contact was Bob West and I thought he was calling me about a job I applied for.

Anonymous said...

I was sent this e-mail after turning down the offer

I understand your desire to do some additional due diligence on our company,
that is why we direct you to the BBB, it is not only accredited, but
substantiated. If you utilize recruiters you're literally speaking to our
competition, you should know what you will get from them. Now, as it relates to
online reviews, especailly BLOG's you are getting nothing but fabricated
information. In fact we have one competitor who we are sueing as we speak to
take down his BLOG because it is totally false information of which we can
prove. Unfortunately, xxxx two things happen in this business, one, people look
for easy ways out of making this kind of financial decision, even though they
know in their heart they need the service, second they freely use very
unstantiated sources like BLOG's to get the information they need to justify
that decision. Just think about this , we have taken on over 50,000 clients,
over the last 36 months we have taken on well over 14,000, we have 18 complaints
on the BBB. This is less than one-tenth of one percent. We survey every client
that comes on board to measure their satisfaction, we have a very high level of
satisfaction of which we can substantiate. You cannot build a business like ours
over 10 years and not have fundamental customer satisfaction standards in place.

In closing , if I wanted to smear your reputation right now I could do that
on any number of BLOG's. If I have the right motivation it's very easy to do.
Unfortunately, the tragic nature of what has just happen to you does two things,
it deprives us from truly helping someone like you who really could benefit from
our service, but it also builds distrust in very reputable services like ours.
If we wanted to conduct our business in the same way we could surely disrobe our
competition with the same tactics, for our financial resources are far greater
than anyone elses. The challenge of being the best, having cutting edge
technology, providing greater support and resources and demonstating everything
we're capable of doing is no one can compete so they reduce themselves to unfair
practices. It truly is frustrating when you provide a great product and in one
fell swoop through bogus information, everything you build, trust, confidence
and belief are taken away. , it's kind of like the way your company treated

Bottom line we have lost you as a viable client and you have just deprived
yourself of using a service that basically guarantees you a viable job offer in
90 days.

Anonymous said...

Glad I did some research and found this Blog. Another recruiter for ITS is Lisa Justice our of So Cal. Very nice lady, very smooth sales pitch. I saw no reason for all the monies to be paid upfront, before the service is provided.

At least Lisa was fun to talk with.

Thank you all for sharing your experiences. Good luck in your job search, as I begin mine.

Anonymous said...

Where is the blog with happy customers? I saw what they had to offer and heard some of their coaching before I refused to accept their materials? I do not see how they thought they were going to get me a job with that? I did not even use the resume the created using only the materials I entered. They just refuse to give up.

Anonymous said...


They are on the move again creating a new website ... WWW.PROFESSIONALOPENINGS.COM. If you search - there is absolutely NO info on this website -- too new as of today (May 6th 2008). As noted on this website, it is in partnership with EXECUTIVE SEARCH ONLINE. The letter received was from BRYCE DECKER, Sr. VP -- email:

Are you still in the market for either a professional or executive job? Your resume indicates that we may have openings at Executive Search Online that are appropriate to consider. However, if you are interested, we need some added information.

Executive Search Online enjoys a growing reputation in executive circles as the fastest growing e-cruiting service. Our clients include a mixture of small and large firms, growth companies, and Fortune 1,000 corporations. We deal only in professional and executive openings.

To register with us, as well as to review current situations at your income level and in your geographic area, please do the following:

Click on

The "Post Resume" button will take you to the profile information that we need.


Bryce Decker
Sr. Vice President

Anonymous said...

I got a call from this company last week, heard the guy's pitch and knew something was wrong when he kept saying "complimentary" services. My spidy senses went to Def Con 2 when he kept ducking my obvious question of how much it would cost.

Finally got an email from him with the link for me to take a tour, but it was sent to my personal email address...not my email address used for looking for a job.

I think my asking how much his service costed up front scared him off.

With so many free recruiters out there, I can't see spending $12K on one.

Anonymous said...

you can add this name to your list: Ian Forrester, and the phone number and addresses are the same as what has been posted above. This guy sounds like a Brit, and I may have even talked to him once in 2005, so clearly he is skilled at separating people from their money.

Anonymous said...

HHF May 8, 2008
Too Good To Be True!!! Paul Baker was Senior Consultant.

Thanks to all the blogs on this site it saved me $5500, the result of signing up yesterday due to a cancellation saving me $1,000. I almost sent the contract and my check for $2,750 the down payment. I have been looking for Info on ITS and this is the only site I found. Bloggers,Keep up the good work of identifying scams. Thank You Bloggers

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